Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dying an early death?

I guess I've probably flunked most guidelines on blogging where its main objective is to help increase traffic to a blog.

Instead of updating frequently, I post only 2 or 3 times per month. And then of course I had to go block my blog recently. That is a definite big no-no in the blogosphere. Unfortunately the break actually freed up my time. I could finish up my half-read book, and idle on my couch in front of the TV. Sometimes it's just great to do nothing at all. That really helps to loosen me up.

Sure, I do feel guilty knowing that a handful of the loyal readers aka the friends would be disappointed in finding the closed blog. But I soon discover my worries are unfounded because I doubt anyone ever noticed the blog was even closed. All I got was the usual cold stony ringing silence. So much for the traffic to the blog.

Someone then wrote, if you are going to blog about yourself, you better have an uncanny knack for wit, humour or cynicism or your life got to be damn interesting or exciting. Because no one wants to read about the colour of underwear you wore last night, the fried rice you ate for lunch or that 98th travelling you did recently.

Err, my life is neither interesting nor exciting since I do not have glamorous friends to hang out or party with. A knack for wit or humour is beyond me...

Eh, everyone still there?

And according to a professional blogger, it is important that you include your blog's content in an RSS feed to increase readership and distribution. Well, firstly I had no idea what RSS was all about until I wikipedia-ed it seconds ago. So no, the blog is definitely not on RSS.

For reasons even unknown to myself, I somehow have this perverse obssession to keep the blog as invisible as possible. I don't do fellowship with other bloggers. I don't belong to a blog community. I hardly comment on other blogs. I forbid friends to link the blog. Not many are in the know of the blog.

And the last I checked, only less than 100 hits have ever graced the blog.

I think I might have single-handedly killed my own blog. *grin*