Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Welcome to The Family
Working for a family company is a first in my entire working life so far. Meet my boss, his wife, his sister-in-law, his 2 children, his parents-in-laws...
As I suspected, working for a family business is more personal than working for a single boss or a corporation.
Very personal, in fact.
The annual christmas party was held last friday. It was decided among the staff that each of us would contribute 20€ for The Family's pressies. Everyone agreed except 4 other colleagues (who shall be referred as The Fantastic 4 herein). They think 20€ is too expensive. That caused a big hooha among some colleagues. They reckoned 20€ each for The Family once a year was not too much to ask for.
My exact sentiments as well. However, everyone is free to do whatever they want with their moolah. This is a free world afterall.
During the xmas party, food was bountiful with free-flowing drinks and gales of laughter. Everyone had a merry time. Presents were later given out. Each of us received a watch. The watches are nothing to shout about but it's the thought that counts.
Back to work on Monday. The Boss' sister-in-law who is also his right-hand woman, came around to hand out another round of presents. This time it's some gold-plated keychains with colourful embedded crystals. Very fugly...
In addition, we were invited yet again to another dinner. AND to a weekend trip in Europa-park which is a themepark with fully paid accomodation.
And guess who are not invited? The Fantastic 4 who did not contribute to the xmas pressie for The Family. It was an intentional act to show The Fantastic 4 the consequences when they refused to join The Dark Side of the Force.
More drama was to come. The next day The Boss went to speak to one of The Fantastic 4 and told her his disappointment in her refusal to share in the presents. She explained her reasons. Reasons accepted and The Boss invited her to the dinner that evening.
Before we left for the dinner, The Boss and The Sis-in-law called for a meeting with the rest of The Fantastic 3. No prize for guessing what the meeting agenda was. Apparently, one of them burst into tears during the meeting.
The meeting ended and The Fantastic 3 also appeared at the dinner.
I was flabbergasted. Still am.
All the drama just because your staff did not contribute to your xmas pressies???!!! What does it say about the attitude and mentality of The Family? Petty, small-minded, intolerant? Kicking up a big fuss over such trivial matters can only cast them in a bad light in the eyes of the employees.
But NO. On the contrary, certain employees feel The Fantastic 4 deserved the special attention from The Family because The Family has always been generous to their employees.
True. As of yesterday, we have already been invited to a grand total of 3 xmas meals by The Family. The most extravangant one was an italian 4-course meal. Totally delicious but absolutely excessive. Not to mention other small gifts we were given, like chocolates and wines which they received from other companies.
While the man had to pay for his own meal during his company's xmas party, much less xmas presents.
The Family is indeed generous. But generosity will not earn them respect and loyalty if the quality of their leadership is questionable.
For example, we are not allowed to turn down whatever events/functions we are invited to by The Family. Regardless if it's our best friend's or grandma's birthday, we are expected to call off whatever appointments we have just so to attend The Family's very important functions. Or else, you will be regarded as an outcast.
I can't help but wonder if The Boss' tendency of ruling with an iron fist has got anything to do with his romanian communist background or his being a control freak capricorn.
As I suspected, working for a family business is more personal than working for a single boss or a corporation.
Very personal, in fact.
The annual christmas party was held last friday. It was decided among the staff that each of us would contribute 20€ for The Family's pressies. Everyone agreed except 4 other colleagues (who shall be referred as The Fantastic 4 herein). They think 20€ is too expensive. That caused a big hooha among some colleagues. They reckoned 20€ each for The Family once a year was not too much to ask for.
My exact sentiments as well. However, everyone is free to do whatever they want with their moolah. This is a free world afterall.
During the xmas party, food was bountiful with free-flowing drinks and gales of laughter. Everyone had a merry time. Presents were later given out. Each of us received a watch. The watches are nothing to shout about but it's the thought that counts.
Back to work on Monday. The Boss' sister-in-law who is also his right-hand woman, came around to hand out another round of presents. This time it's some gold-plated keychains with colourful embedded crystals. Very fugly...
In addition, we were invited yet again to another dinner. AND to a weekend trip in Europa-park which is a themepark with fully paid accomodation.
And guess who are not invited? The Fantastic 4 who did not contribute to the xmas pressie for The Family. It was an intentional act to show The Fantastic 4 the consequences when they refused to join The Dark Side of the Force.
More drama was to come. The next day The Boss went to speak to one of The Fantastic 4 and told her his disappointment in her refusal to share in the presents. She explained her reasons. Reasons accepted and The Boss invited her to the dinner that evening.
Before we left for the dinner, The Boss and The Sis-in-law called for a meeting with the rest of The Fantastic 3. No prize for guessing what the meeting agenda was. Apparently, one of them burst into tears during the meeting.
The meeting ended and The Fantastic 3 also appeared at the dinner.
I was flabbergasted. Still am.
All the drama just because your staff did not contribute to your xmas pressies???!!! What does it say about the attitude and mentality of The Family? Petty, small-minded, intolerant? Kicking up a big fuss over such trivial matters can only cast them in a bad light in the eyes of the employees.
But NO. On the contrary, certain employees feel The Fantastic 4 deserved the special attention from The Family because The Family has always been generous to their employees.
True. As of yesterday, we have already been invited to a grand total of 3 xmas meals by The Family. The most extravangant one was an italian 4-course meal. Totally delicious but absolutely excessive. Not to mention other small gifts we were given, like chocolates and wines which they received from other companies.
While the man had to pay for his own meal during his company's xmas party, much less xmas presents.
The Family is indeed generous. But generosity will not earn them respect and loyalty if the quality of their leadership is questionable.
For example, we are not allowed to turn down whatever events/functions we are invited to by The Family. Regardless if it's our best friend's or grandma's birthday, we are expected to call off whatever appointments we have just so to attend The Family's very important functions. Or else, you will be regarded as an outcast.
I can't help but wonder if The Boss' tendency of ruling with an iron fist has got anything to do with his romanian communist background or his being a control freak capricorn.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The drugs don't work
I woke up to a gloomy weather with falling snow flakes. Besides the chilly temperature, the winter also brings along with it a bad bout of the flu and cold virus. Which is very common in this time of the season. Almost everyone in the office are somewhat infected with the cold. I am of course not spared by it either.
I have been fighting the flu virus for the last couple of weeks now. The cold comes and goes. I would get better early of the week after a well-needed rest during the weekend. By the end of the week, the symptoms of the cold would become full-blown again.
My exhausted body was too weak to ward off the persistant virus and finally gave in on Monday.
Why didn't I visit the doctor? Some might ask.
The idea of fighting a cold here in Germany or Europe is very different as that in Singapore. When we fall ill back home, we hurry to the doc to be treated with prescribed medications. Usually antibiotics would be given. After the course of antibiotics, we recover quickly in a matter of days.
The docs here believe in letting our bodies fight the virus instead of with the help of medications. Plenty of rest helps and a flu will have to run its course anyway. Therefore, it is not uncommon to have one full week of MC for a cold or flu without any prescribed medications to take home.
A Singaporean friend was once very ill and begged for antibiotics from her doc. Her request was however turned down. She wouldn't even have to beg if she were in Singapore. Antibiotics are given rather freely in the lion city, with hardly any questions asked.
So, did our frequent consumption of the drug resulted in our lower body resistance than our ang moh counterparts?
Of course, there are good aspects of the drug. For example, it is used to treat many bacteria infections such as sinus infections, kidney infections, bladder infections, etc.
But antibiotics often act without regard for the type of bacteria they are designed to attack. Which means they do not know the difference between the good bacteria and the bad. This can cause an intense lowering of the natural flora in the human body. The result of which may lead to everything from diarrhea to yeast infections.
There is also the risk of creating antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria. When antibiotics are not taken completely, this can lead to stronger strains of the bacteria. And when docs prescribe antibiotics for viral infections, such as the common cold and the flu, they are also adding to this danger.
But interestingly, antibiotics are only effective against bacteria but not against colds or the flu, which are caused by viruses.
I am no doctor but I think it would be good if the men in white coats could take some minutes off their precious time to explain their logic in prescribing antibiotics against, e.g. that infected throat.
Sure, who doesn't want a speedy recovery from whatever one is suffering at the moment? But if taking anitbiotics causes more bad side effects rather than the desired ones, then I guess I would rather stay in bed for a few more days for a slow but sure recovery.
Unfortunately, in fast-paced Singapore, we do not have the luxury of getting a full week MC just for flu or cold. Even so, should we make do with the drugs in exchange for a weaker immune system?
I have been fighting the flu virus for the last couple of weeks now. The cold comes and goes. I would get better early of the week after a well-needed rest during the weekend. By the end of the week, the symptoms of the cold would become full-blown again.
My exhausted body was too weak to ward off the persistant virus and finally gave in on Monday.
Why didn't I visit the doctor? Some might ask.
The idea of fighting a cold here in Germany or Europe is very different as that in Singapore. When we fall ill back home, we hurry to the doc to be treated with prescribed medications. Usually antibiotics would be given. After the course of antibiotics, we recover quickly in a matter of days.
The docs here believe in letting our bodies fight the virus instead of with the help of medications. Plenty of rest helps and a flu will have to run its course anyway. Therefore, it is not uncommon to have one full week of MC for a cold or flu without any prescribed medications to take home.
A Singaporean friend was once very ill and begged for antibiotics from her doc. Her request was however turned down. She wouldn't even have to beg if she were in Singapore. Antibiotics are given rather freely in the lion city, with hardly any questions asked.
So, did our frequent consumption of the drug resulted in our lower body resistance than our ang moh counterparts?
Of course, there are good aspects of the drug. For example, it is used to treat many bacteria infections such as sinus infections, kidney infections, bladder infections, etc.
But antibiotics often act without regard for the type of bacteria they are designed to attack. Which means they do not know the difference between the good bacteria and the bad. This can cause an intense lowering of the natural flora in the human body. The result of which may lead to everything from diarrhea to yeast infections.
There is also the risk of creating antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria. When antibiotics are not taken completely, this can lead to stronger strains of the bacteria. And when docs prescribe antibiotics for viral infections, such as the common cold and the flu, they are also adding to this danger.
But interestingly, antibiotics are only effective against bacteria but not against colds or the flu, which are caused by viruses.
I am no doctor but I think it would be good if the men in white coats could take some minutes off their precious time to explain their logic in prescribing antibiotics against, e.g. that infected throat.
Sure, who doesn't want a speedy recovery from whatever one is suffering at the moment? But if taking anitbiotics causes more bad side effects rather than the desired ones, then I guess I would rather stay in bed for a few more days for a slow but sure recovery.
Unfortunately, in fast-paced Singapore, we do not have the luxury of getting a full week MC just for flu or cold. Even so, should we make do with the drugs in exchange for a weaker immune system?
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
A walk down memory lane
The friends were supposed to meet at ours and head off together with us to an exhibition. After dolling myself up, I found myself standing at the window, awaiting for their arrival. A habit which I have adopted quite recently.
While mesmerised by the white snowy view out there, it suddenly dawned on me that I inherited my newly acquired habit from my father.
As a pimpled pubertal teenager with a rebellious streak, I was not contended with cooping up in out little flat after school hours. I craved to go out to the so-called big colourful world and see what it had to offer. Which actually means loitering with my then bestest buddies into the wee hours. Our favourite hunt was Changi Airport and Parkway Parade. Okay, not exactly the Big Big World I was dreaming about...
My rebellious phase was rather trying on my parents, especially on my father. My curfew was to be home before midnight and staying over at friends' was an absolute no no. I did not comprehend his fears and worries for my safety then as my head was too giddy with fun and frolic.
While my mother would be sleeping soundly in her bed, my father would stand at the window, waiting patiently for his beloved daughter to come home, regardless how late it was and how early he had to get up the next morning for work.
It's not that my mother is indifferent. When she was a young girl herself, my maternal grandparents were very strict with my mother. Hence, as a parent, she tries her best to make sure history does not repeat itself and allows her children the free rein to enjoy the freedom which she did not have.
Anyhow, each time I came home and turned that key to our flat's door, my heart would be thumping so, bracing myself for an earful from my father. Sometimes, he would go to bed without uttering a word. At times, when I went too far and came back unfashionably late, he would blow his top and heated words would be exchanged. Once, out of his fury, he spat these words at me, 'You will only understand when you have your own children!' To which I responded by storming off to my bedroom.
Eagerly, I looked forward to my 21st birthday because he promised I could have the freedom to do whatever I desired once I attained full age.
That day finally came and went. Like magic, curfews and fights vanished altogether into thin air. I was delighted: I am free!
I relished my liberation. However, I must confess, occasionally when I staggered home after some sessions at some watering holes, a tiny weeny bit of emptiness creeped up on me at the absence of my father's back at the window.
A classic case of taking our loved ones for granted, isn't it?
My train of thought was interrupted with the friends' arrival. With nostalgia welling up in my heart, I made a quick mental note that I haven't called my folks for weeks now. I better do it soon. Making calls back home isn't particularly one of my favourite pastime. Ours is a traditional chinese family which means we are not used to expressing our emotions freely. Hence, telephone calls are often punctured with awkward silences. We express our love in a very typical chinese way through questions such as how have you been, have you eaten, etc. Usually these conversations do not last more than 10 mins.
Even so I make it a point to call my folks as often as I can. Guiltiness is the culprit because I feel by not being at their sides, I fail in my duty as their daughter. The least I can do for them is to dial that number.
While mesmerised by the white snowy view out there, it suddenly dawned on me that I inherited my newly acquired habit from my father.
As a pimpled pubertal teenager with a rebellious streak, I was not contended with cooping up in out little flat after school hours. I craved to go out to the so-called big colourful world and see what it had to offer. Which actually means loitering with my then bestest buddies into the wee hours. Our favourite hunt was Changi Airport and Parkway Parade. Okay, not exactly the Big Big World I was dreaming about...
My rebellious phase was rather trying on my parents, especially on my father. My curfew was to be home before midnight and staying over at friends' was an absolute no no. I did not comprehend his fears and worries for my safety then as my head was too giddy with fun and frolic.
While my mother would be sleeping soundly in her bed, my father would stand at the window, waiting patiently for his beloved daughter to come home, regardless how late it was and how early he had to get up the next morning for work.
It's not that my mother is indifferent. When she was a young girl herself, my maternal grandparents were very strict with my mother. Hence, as a parent, she tries her best to make sure history does not repeat itself and allows her children the free rein to enjoy the freedom which she did not have.
Anyhow, each time I came home and turned that key to our flat's door, my heart would be thumping so, bracing myself for an earful from my father. Sometimes, he would go to bed without uttering a word. At times, when I went too far and came back unfashionably late, he would blow his top and heated words would be exchanged. Once, out of his fury, he spat these words at me, 'You will only understand when you have your own children!' To which I responded by storming off to my bedroom.
Eagerly, I looked forward to my 21st birthday because he promised I could have the freedom to do whatever I desired once I attained full age.
That day finally came and went. Like magic, curfews and fights vanished altogether into thin air. I was delighted: I am free!
I relished my liberation. However, I must confess, occasionally when I staggered home after some sessions at some watering holes, a tiny weeny bit of emptiness creeped up on me at the absence of my father's back at the window.
A classic case of taking our loved ones for granted, isn't it?
My train of thought was interrupted with the friends' arrival. With nostalgia welling up in my heart, I made a quick mental note that I haven't called my folks for weeks now. I better do it soon. Making calls back home isn't particularly one of my favourite pastime. Ours is a traditional chinese family which means we are not used to expressing our emotions freely. Hence, telephone calls are often punctured with awkward silences. We express our love in a very typical chinese way through questions such as how have you been, have you eaten, etc. Usually these conversations do not last more than 10 mins.
Even so I make it a point to call my folks as often as I can. Guiltiness is the culprit because I feel by not being at their sides, I fail in my duty as their daughter. The least I can do for them is to dial that number.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The most ancient one who has walked the earth
I was spacing out in front of the PC one day, couldn't wait to get my ass off work. My 23 year-old colleague next to me was humming to a tune from the radio. A tune which I like too. I mumbled something about the song was cool.
She turned and stared at me, 'You are the coolest oldest woman I have ever known!'
I looked at her and replied, 'Should I laugh or cry at your comment?'
We both burst out laughing.
Inwardly, I was, 'Oh goodness, I didn't know I am so ancient in their eyes!'
Which reminds me the big Four O will be approaching soon in a matter of few years. Somehow the idea of getting that old freaks me out a little.
No, on second thought, the idea really scares the shit out of me.
Indeed the wheel of time halts for no one. Sigh...
But on a consoling note, my colleague did mention 'coolest' in the same breath as 'oldest'.
She turned and stared at me, 'You are the coolest oldest woman I have ever known!'
I looked at her and replied, 'Should I laugh or cry at your comment?'
We both burst out laughing.
Inwardly, I was, 'Oh goodness, I didn't know I am so ancient in their eyes!'
Which reminds me the big Four O will be approaching soon in a matter of few years. Somehow the idea of getting that old freaks me out a little.
No, on second thought, the idea really scares the shit out of me.
Indeed the wheel of time halts for no one. Sigh...
But on a consoling note, my colleague did mention 'coolest' in the same breath as 'oldest'.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
It's about time
After 8 long years, McLaren has finally made it to win the F1 World Championship this season.
The hero is of course none other than Lewis Hamilton. All owing to his winning formula of staying calm till the very last second and his brilliant racing technique.
He is certainly not one to be reckoned with.
The big fan at home is exhilarated. What a smashing race for him!!
The quest to beat arch rival Ferrari is at long last quenched.
The hero is of course none other than Lewis Hamilton. All owing to his winning formula of staying calm till the very last second and his brilliant racing technique.
He is certainly not one to be reckoned with.
The big fan at home is exhilarated. What a smashing race for him!!
The quest to beat arch rival Ferrari is at long last quenched.
Kiss my ass
Someone kissed my ass. Literally.
The ass of my car, I mean.
It was stop and go for the vehicles to turn right (it's left-hand drive here). My turn finally came but my engine stalled as I forgot to shift into the first gear. Before I was able to start my engine back on, a huge jerk hurled my colleague and I forward. The jolt stunned me. I wondered out loud to my colleague, 'What happened to my car??!!!'
In my confused state, I didn't realise the van behind me has just kissed my car. Until my colleague enlighted me.
My immediate reaction was to proceed to a carpark nearby to access the damage. The whole time, my mind was in a turmoil, 'Fuck! My car got smashed up after just 4 months! Why am I so stupid and forgetful and didn't change to first gear when I drove off!!! Damn! Damn! DAMN!!!'
I heaved a heavy sigh and could not bear to imagine how bruised my bumper would be.
The injury was however very slight. To my inexperienced naked eyes, at least. A slight dent on the number plate. The young driver apologised and we exchanged contact numbers for insurance claim purposes.
Later the workshop had a look at the damaged ass. Apparently, the mechanism on the bumper has absorded the force of the bump. Despite the unseen injury, this mechanism might not be functioning properly as it should now. Hence a repair like this would cost approximately 800€. Bloody daylight robbery!
The details have been communicated to the van driver. And for 2 days now we've been waiting for him to give us his insurance details. He hasn't been in touch.
We will call him tomorrow or else a visit to his bike shop will be inevitable.
Meanwhile, my fear has made a full comeback. Sigh.
The ass of my car, I mean.
It was stop and go for the vehicles to turn right (it's left-hand drive here). My turn finally came but my engine stalled as I forgot to shift into the first gear. Before I was able to start my engine back on, a huge jerk hurled my colleague and I forward. The jolt stunned me. I wondered out loud to my colleague, 'What happened to my car??!!!'
In my confused state, I didn't realise the van behind me has just kissed my car. Until my colleague enlighted me.
My immediate reaction was to proceed to a carpark nearby to access the damage. The whole time, my mind was in a turmoil, 'Fuck! My car got smashed up after just 4 months! Why am I so stupid and forgetful and didn't change to first gear when I drove off!!! Damn! Damn! DAMN!!!'
I heaved a heavy sigh and could not bear to imagine how bruised my bumper would be.
The injury was however very slight. To my inexperienced naked eyes, at least. A slight dent on the number plate. The young driver apologised and we exchanged contact numbers for insurance claim purposes.
Later the workshop had a look at the damaged ass. Apparently, the mechanism on the bumper has absorded the force of the bump. Despite the unseen injury, this mechanism might not be functioning properly as it should now. Hence a repair like this would cost approximately 800€. Bloody daylight robbery!
The details have been communicated to the van driver. And for 2 days now we've been waiting for him to give us his insurance details. He hasn't been in touch.
We will call him tomorrow or else a visit to his bike shop will be inevitable.
Meanwhile, my fear has made a full comeback. Sigh.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Jack Frost visits
A hurdle crossed. Another awaits.
I woke up to a lovely morning, with warm sunrays streaming into our pad. Only to find Jack Frost has left his prints of frosty crystal patterns on the car windows.
Which means very soon his infamous prints will be found on the streets.
Anyone care for a sleigh ride in a car?
I woke up to a lovely morning, with warm sunrays streaming into our pad. Only to find Jack Frost has left his prints of frosty crystal patterns on the car windows.
Which means very soon his infamous prints will be found on the streets.
Anyone care for a sleigh ride in a car?
Friday, October 17, 2008
I was in a fog
6:30am. Outside, it was as dark as the night. With a dense fog enveloping the suburb.
I warmed up the engine and waited for the fogged up windows to clear.
I drove off. There was a constant urge to wipe the blurred windscreen clean. Of course it had nothing to do with the windscreen. The visibility outside was very low.
Everywhere was hazy despite the street lights and car lights. How harzardous it was to drive in such conditions.
And a rather heavy traffic already at this hour did not make things any easier.
In spite of the biting chill, there were some who chose to cycle to work in a foggy weather like this. They certainly added challenge to my driving.
I wondered briefly if they cycled to keep fit or to save on transport cost. Surely, taking a bus is not that expensive and much more comfortable.
As I pulled into the carpark at the workplace, I was finally able to sit back and relax and heaved a sigh of relief.
Phew! A hurdle crossed.
I warmed up the engine and waited for the fogged up windows to clear.
I drove off. There was a constant urge to wipe the blurred windscreen clean. Of course it had nothing to do with the windscreen. The visibility outside was very low.
Everywhere was hazy despite the street lights and car lights. How harzardous it was to drive in such conditions.
And a rather heavy traffic already at this hour did not make things any easier.
In spite of the biting chill, there were some who chose to cycle to work in a foggy weather like this. They certainly added challenge to my driving.
I wondered briefly if they cycled to keep fit or to save on transport cost. Surely, taking a bus is not that expensive and much more comfortable.
As I pulled into the carpark at the workplace, I was finally able to sit back and relax and heaved a sigh of relief.
Phew! A hurdle crossed.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
His middle name is Control Freak
The media is relentless in its reports of the financial crisis. Headlines of a looming recession are on every press and every news channel. Every single day and hour.
It does nothing but unsettle the common folks. And they actually try to take advantage of such uneasiness.
A meeting was called for in the early week. The main agenda was to address the imminent crisis and how we can hinder the possible decrease in sales.
Shortly into the meeting, the topic was steered towards some other mundane problems. They rattled on and on.
My patience was wearing thin since these problems did not concern me. I asked if I was needed in the meeting. You see, I had better things to do than listening to these thrashing out. My request to leave was being turned down however.
Two and a half hours later, we left the room with no concrete plans or solutions whatsoever to the anticipated problems on the agenda.
What a perfect waste of time.
One thing they did achieve though. To instil fear in us. So that we would work harder and longer in order to secure our jobs in the company. With a recession, retrenchment will be on the cards.
My young colleague was totally out of sorts and fidgeted during the rest of the day. Till she went to clarify with one of them if her job is safe. It is. She is assured.
Devious scheme, I call it. Instead of ensuring a sense of security in the company, they rather have us operating in fear and panic. Just so to generate results. These results, if any, will not be long-lasting, I am very certain. Because no one can perform productively for long under the dictationship of fear.
Shortsightedness? Oh yes, it is in abundance over here.
And then they went on to hire 2 new staffs.
I don't understand these people.
It does nothing but unsettle the common folks. And they actually try to take advantage of such uneasiness.
A meeting was called for in the early week. The main agenda was to address the imminent crisis and how we can hinder the possible decrease in sales.
Shortly into the meeting, the topic was steered towards some other mundane problems. They rattled on and on.
My patience was wearing thin since these problems did not concern me. I asked if I was needed in the meeting. You see, I had better things to do than listening to these thrashing out. My request to leave was being turned down however.
Two and a half hours later, we left the room with no concrete plans or solutions whatsoever to the anticipated problems on the agenda.
What a perfect waste of time.
One thing they did achieve though. To instil fear in us. So that we would work harder and longer in order to secure our jobs in the company. With a recession, retrenchment will be on the cards.
My young colleague was totally out of sorts and fidgeted during the rest of the day. Till she went to clarify with one of them if her job is safe. It is. She is assured.
Devious scheme, I call it. Instead of ensuring a sense of security in the company, they rather have us operating in fear and panic. Just so to generate results. These results, if any, will not be long-lasting, I am very certain. Because no one can perform productively for long under the dictationship of fear.
Shortsightedness? Oh yes, it is in abundance over here.
And then they went on to hire 2 new staffs.
I don't understand these people.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
While dusting our crib
Saturday. A day which we sometimes allocate for dusting our crib.
Mr R was cleaning the glass coffee table with a clean rag. Afterwards, he proceeded to the store room with the rag and I didn't see him coming out with it.
Me asked pointly: Where is the rag you used to clean the table? You put it back???!!!
Mr R: Well, it's not as if it is very dirty...
Me: NOT VERY DIRTY??!!! Hello?? The table was dusty and fingerprints were all over! And you used detergent too! Please, put it away. Thank you very much.
I sighed loudly and rolled my eyes at him.
He often whines to friends that ever since I moved in, I repeatedly pick on his ways of housekeeping.
Please tell me how not to when his idea of keeping our pad neat and tidy is to bring a used rag back to the stack of clean ones. Now you see I have all the reasons to do so.
Men! You can never trust them to do a woman's job!
Mr R was cleaning the glass coffee table with a clean rag. Afterwards, he proceeded to the store room with the rag and I didn't see him coming out with it.
Me asked pointly: Where is the rag you used to clean the table? You put it back???!!!
Mr R: Well, it's not as if it is very dirty...
Me: NOT VERY DIRTY??!!! Hello?? The table was dusty and fingerprints were all over! And you used detergent too! Please, put it away. Thank you very much.
I sighed loudly and rolled my eyes at him.
He often whines to friends that ever since I moved in, I repeatedly pick on his ways of housekeeping.
Please tell me how not to when his idea of keeping our pad neat and tidy is to bring a used rag back to the stack of clean ones. Now you see I have all the reasons to do so.
Men! You can never trust them to do a woman's job!
Friday, October 10, 2008
A special knack for language
In the midst of a telephone conversation with a Japanese one day:
Hoonie: Oh, by the way, I didn't get your name?
Japanese: I am Watanabe (pronounced as Wa-ta-na-bee and he went on to spell it for me).
Hoonie (subconsciously): Mr Wata-nabey... Okay, I will drop you an email and let's keep in touch, Mr Wata-nabey! Goodbye.
I burst out laughing after I hung up. How did I even manage to sound so crude in this neat language? I am such a bloody chow ah lian.
Hoonie: Oh, by the way, I didn't get your name?
Japanese: I am Watanabe (pronounced as Wa-ta-na-bee and he went on to spell it for me).
Hoonie (subconsciously): Mr Wata-nabey... Okay, I will drop you an email and let's keep in touch, Mr Wata-nabey! Goodbye.
I burst out laughing after I hung up. How did I even manage to sound so crude in this neat language? I am such a bloody chow ah lian.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Living in a material world
I take comfort in my worldly possessions. Perhaps it's got to do with me being an earth sign who, at their worst, are highly materialistic. I am not ashamed to admit there is some truth in it. Well, let's face it, who isn't in this time and age?
I do not fear being labelled as shallow and superficial just because I pay more attention to my physical well-being and material things. The state of my intellectual and spiritual well-being is only reserved for close ones.
I recently got hold of an item which I truly heart. Even though it's an unintended buy. Murphy's law came into play that day since the very thing I was searching high and low for was in nonexistence. Bloody typical.
Nonetheless, the newly acquired article makes up for it. Each peep of it fills me with great glee and I can't wait to put it on.
Clothes make the man.
Naked people have little or no influence on society.
- Mark Twain
I do not fear being labelled as shallow and superficial just because I pay more attention to my physical well-being and material things. The state of my intellectual and spiritual well-being is only reserved for close ones.
I recently got hold of an item which I truly heart. Even though it's an unintended buy. Murphy's law came into play that day since the very thing I was searching high and low for was in nonexistence. Bloody typical.
Nonetheless, the newly acquired article makes up for it. Each peep of it fills me with great glee and I can't wait to put it on.
Clothes make the man.
Naked people have little or no influence on society.
- Mark Twain
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Super Licence to race
The man is a huge avid fan of the Formula One race. If he can help it, he will try to catch each and every race which takes place. On TV, that is. Therefore, imagine his enthusiasm when he got wind last year that Singapore would be hosting the first ever F1 night race. He was over the moon!
I could tell his mind gears were turning when he came to me. Hardly able to conceal his excitement, he proposed to schedule our trip back to Singapore in September. In order for him to catch the race. To which I gladly obliged, knowing this is one of his dreams to be there physically and watch the race with the roars of the engines ringing in his ears.
However, as luck would have it, our trip was brought forward to May instead.
Nonetheless, that didn't dampen his excitement about today's race a wee bit. Already on Friday night, he was calling for me (while I was in another room) to watch the training with him, while gushing on about how cool the tracks, the lightings and the tunnel were.
Today, he made me sit down with him and watch the half-hour documentary on Singapore before the start of the race. Right in the midst of my housekeeping! I complied as I didn't want to be labelled as a wet blanket.
Though the documentary was nothing to shout about. It's more like a tourism effort to promote the sights and attractions of Singapore.
After which I promptly got back to my housechores while the man rooted himself in front of the TV screen for the next 4 hours.
I heard him curse when I was doing the ironing. It must have meant that McLaren didn't win the race. He is a faithful fan of the team although they have not won the championship for a long while now.
Despite the hiccups, he enjoyed the race thoroughly. And I am glad for him.
I could tell his mind gears were turning when he came to me. Hardly able to conceal his excitement, he proposed to schedule our trip back to Singapore in September. In order for him to catch the race. To which I gladly obliged, knowing this is one of his dreams to be there physically and watch the race with the roars of the engines ringing in his ears.
However, as luck would have it, our trip was brought forward to May instead.
Nonetheless, that didn't dampen his excitement about today's race a wee bit. Already on Friday night, he was calling for me (while I was in another room) to watch the training with him, while gushing on about how cool the tracks, the lightings and the tunnel were.
Today, he made me sit down with him and watch the half-hour documentary on Singapore before the start of the race. Right in the midst of my housekeeping! I complied as I didn't want to be labelled as a wet blanket.
Though the documentary was nothing to shout about. It's more like a tourism effort to promote the sights and attractions of Singapore.
After which I promptly got back to my housechores while the man rooted himself in front of the TV screen for the next 4 hours.
I heard him curse when I was doing the ironing. It must have meant that McLaren didn't win the race. He is a faithful fan of the team although they have not won the championship for a long while now.
Despite the hiccups, he enjoyed the race thoroughly. And I am glad for him.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Corporate Culture
I was listening in a conversation between 2 colleagues. It was about some mundane topics. One was in the middle of recounting her experience on something while the other colleague simultaneously raised her voice slightly louder to drown out her colleague so that she could continue narrating her own story.
I frowned.
Though it is absolutely harmless in this instance, I find it extremely rude. Is it so difficult allowing the other person to finish her piece first before continuing with yours? Where are the manners?
What raises my eyebrow is this is not an isolated case in the workplace. It is in fact quite an everyday scenario. Somedays such dialogues go unnoticed while somedays we get to witness shouting matches between headstrong colleagues who won't budge at all. Quite akin to kindergarten children having a spat.
I wondered out aloud to the man and friends if this is the norm in german working culture. Apparently not.
Therefore, does it mean as long as their opinions are being put across and they have the last words, it means a battle won? Whatever happens to discussing work issues calmly and amicable like grown-ups? And be professional at that too?
Even simple work queries are answered in a hostile and sometimes aggressive manner.
Another colleague as old as me in this workplace has had enough and finally called it quits. In short, she was bullied for being slow to catch on.
Something is amiss here. Yet the management does nothing to discourage such behaviour. They simply stand aside and look on while the agressiveness festers like an ugly disease in this workplace.
I am determined not to let this evil disease catch me. If necessary, I will stand my ground and state my views but I refuse to bully and get bullied.
I frowned.
Though it is absolutely harmless in this instance, I find it extremely rude. Is it so difficult allowing the other person to finish her piece first before continuing with yours? Where are the manners?
What raises my eyebrow is this is not an isolated case in the workplace. It is in fact quite an everyday scenario. Somedays such dialogues go unnoticed while somedays we get to witness shouting matches between headstrong colleagues who won't budge at all. Quite akin to kindergarten children having a spat.
I wondered out aloud to the man and friends if this is the norm in german working culture. Apparently not.
Therefore, does it mean as long as their opinions are being put across and they have the last words, it means a battle won? Whatever happens to discussing work issues calmly and amicable like grown-ups? And be professional at that too?
Even simple work queries are answered in a hostile and sometimes aggressive manner.
Another colleague as old as me in this workplace has had enough and finally called it quits. In short, she was bullied for being slow to catch on.
Something is amiss here. Yet the management does nothing to discourage such behaviour. They simply stand aside and look on while the agressiveness festers like an ugly disease in this workplace.
I am determined not to let this evil disease catch me. If necessary, I will stand my ground and state my views but I refuse to bully and get bullied.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
I fell flat
I cannot believe it! I got word that I flunked my geman exam. Only 4 of us made it. I thought I didn't do too well but to actually fail it??!! It came as a shock. Not only to me but to many others as well.
This is regardless that Goethe Institute modified the format of the exam completely and we were the first guinea pigs. No matter that this modified exam was much tougher as compared to the old one. Disregarding that my teacher literally told me before the exam I would make it.
Well, and I saw my teacher at the carpark today. Yet I didn't go up to her and say hi. I had no wish to do small talk and particularly discuss about the disappointing results.
The thought of re-taking it fills me with dread. And that won't happen anytime soon, as a matter of fact. Now that I work, I do not have the luxury of time to attend the course and make another go for it.
The man very sweetly comforted me, since I started work right before the exam, I naturally didn't have adequate time to prepare for it. Unlike my first exam which I took weeks to brace myself for.
Even so.
I am reeling with disappointment. And kicking myself for not taking the old exam last year. Because I thought I wasn't ready for it. Looking back now, I am certain I would be able to clear it without a glitch.
Too late now.
This is regardless that Goethe Institute modified the format of the exam completely and we were the first guinea pigs. No matter that this modified exam was much tougher as compared to the old one. Disregarding that my teacher literally told me before the exam I would make it.
Well, and I saw my teacher at the carpark today. Yet I didn't go up to her and say hi. I had no wish to do small talk and particularly discuss about the disappointing results.
The thought of re-taking it fills me with dread. And that won't happen anytime soon, as a matter of fact. Now that I work, I do not have the luxury of time to attend the course and make another go for it.
The man very sweetly comforted me, since I started work right before the exam, I naturally didn't have adequate time to prepare for it. Unlike my first exam which I took weeks to brace myself for.
Even so.
I am reeling with disappointment. And kicking myself for not taking the old exam last year. Because I thought I wasn't ready for it. Looking back now, I am certain I would be able to clear it without a glitch.
Too late now.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
No Sick Food
I hate falling ill in Germany. Because like any typical Singaporeans, I need my sick food when I am unwell. The usuals like Kway Teow Soup, Porridge, Mee Tai Mak Soup, Macaroni Soup etc. Which are easy and soothing on your pharynx especially when you are suffering from a bad dry throat. These comfort food is easily available in our friendly neighbourhood coffee shops in Singapore. But most definitely not here in this ang moh land.
When one is poorly, with aching joints and low energy level, one has absolutely no desire to lift a finger to even brush one's teeth, let alone cook one's own sick food.
Apparently the Germans do not have any sorts of food which can be categorised as sick food. At least in terms of my classification. You will find rows and rows of Knorr and Maggie soup powder in the supermarket should you crave for soups. More often than not, they unsettle my stomach further in my unwell state.
My MIL does her own chicken noodle soup. The ang moh version, of course. But I find it a tad too oily and unnatural even on my dull palate. She adds spoonfuls of soup powder in it.
I make do with my plain porridge with whatever I can find in the fridge. Not that I can find much seeing that I hardly cook these days.
Fortunately, a pack of pork floss is lying somewhere in the cupboard. That will do for now.
When one is poorly, with aching joints and low energy level, one has absolutely no desire to lift a finger to even brush one's teeth, let alone cook one's own sick food.
Apparently the Germans do not have any sorts of food which can be categorised as sick food. At least in terms of my classification. You will find rows and rows of Knorr and Maggie soup powder in the supermarket should you crave for soups. More often than not, they unsettle my stomach further in my unwell state.
My MIL does her own chicken noodle soup. The ang moh version, of course. But I find it a tad too oily and unnatural even on my dull palate. She adds spoonfuls of soup powder in it.
I make do with my plain porridge with whatever I can find in the fridge. Not that I can find much seeing that I hardly cook these days.
Fortunately, a pack of pork floss is lying somewhere in the cupboard. That will do for now.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Gear up!
I obtained my driving license on a second try. A tiff with the dear ex shortly after resulted in me, in a fit of spite, to forsake driving. That was at least 10 years ago.
Since then, I've only made one very reluctant and feeble attempt at driving. After much urging on from the close friends, that is. The spin turned out to be a horror instead. As I was negotiating a roundabout, a friend had to hold on to the steering wheel because I was about to lose control of the car. It was most terrifying. And that finally shut my dear friends up in their seats and in coaxing me to drive again.
And then I had recurring dreams in which I had to drive due to emergencies. Some of these rides felt like roller coaster rides. *Shudder*
I couldn't get away with not driving for long however. It has become essential for me to be behind the wheels once again. Since I am not a natural in this one, the only thing I can do to better my skills is to practise, practise and more practise.
I must confess. I am a total nervous wreck with millions of butterflies in my stomach before each drive. I am so bothered by my apprehension that I asked if indeed my driving skills sucked big time therefore I was always paralysed by fear.
According to the man, it took him months before he totally shedded his fear of driving. His male colleague, who has been driving for 15 years now, is still queasy whenever he drives to Stuttgart.
Alright, it is consoling to know I am not the only one out there. But that means my fear is here to stay for quite a bit.
And now my fears,
They come to me in threes.
- The Strokes
Since then, I've only made one very reluctant and feeble attempt at driving. After much urging on from the close friends, that is. The spin turned out to be a horror instead. As I was negotiating a roundabout, a friend had to hold on to the steering wheel because I was about to lose control of the car. It was most terrifying. And that finally shut my dear friends up in their seats and in coaxing me to drive again.
And then I had recurring dreams in which I had to drive due to emergencies. Some of these rides felt like roller coaster rides. *Shudder*
I couldn't get away with not driving for long however. It has become essential for me to be behind the wheels once again. Since I am not a natural in this one, the only thing I can do to better my skills is to practise, practise and more practise.
I must confess. I am a total nervous wreck with millions of butterflies in my stomach before each drive. I am so bothered by my apprehension that I asked if indeed my driving skills sucked big time therefore I was always paralysed by fear.
According to the man, it took him months before he totally shedded his fear of driving. His male colleague, who has been driving for 15 years now, is still queasy whenever he drives to Stuttgart.
Alright, it is consoling to know I am not the only one out there. But that means my fear is here to stay for quite a bit.
And now my fears,
They come to me in threes.
- The Strokes
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Sister Blister
I did chicken rice today. With help from Prima Taste of course. I find the chilli sauce which is included in the pack lacks the oomph-factor. But what is chicken rice without its famed chilli sauce? As usual, my mum's chilli was there to save the day.
Halfway through devouring the flavourful meal, my tongue, the inside of my mouth and my lips were stinging from the full force of the fiery spiciness. My nose was running uncontrollably. The hot soup didn't make it any better. With each sip of the soup, the nerves from my mouth to ears were on the verge of exploding. My senses were tingled all over with blistering tanginess. Damn shiok!!!
It may sound like a painful and sadistic ordeal. But for chilli fanatics, that wild burning sensation in their palates is one of the greatest fulfillment in terms of food orgasm. It is like a drug which means no turning back once we are hooked on it.
I daresay only my mum's drug is able to attain such sense of gratification in me and leave me scrambling for more.
With something else to look forward to the next day.
A burning ass.
Halfway through devouring the flavourful meal, my tongue, the inside of my mouth and my lips were stinging from the full force of the fiery spiciness. My nose was running uncontrollably. The hot soup didn't make it any better. With each sip of the soup, the nerves from my mouth to ears were on the verge of exploding. My senses were tingled all over with blistering tanginess. Damn shiok!!!
It may sound like a painful and sadistic ordeal. But for chilli fanatics, that wild burning sensation in their palates is one of the greatest fulfillment in terms of food orgasm. It is like a drug which means no turning back once we are hooked on it.
I daresay only my mum's drug is able to attain such sense of gratification in me and leave me scrambling for more.
With something else to look forward to the next day.
A burning ass.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Sticky Glue
I made plans with some colleagues to go for drinks after work one day. One couldn't make it as something came up unexpectantly. We agreed we would postpone our date to another day.
As I was coming through our doorway, the man was surprised to see me.
'Aren't you supposed to be out for drinks?', was his first greeting to me when he saw me.
I told him the reason and teased, 'Aren't you glad to see me??!!'
He laughed and retorted, 'Now I understand how you feel whenever I come back early from the boys' outing.'
I chuckled. I was not at all displeased with his response. In fact, I comprehend fully how important it is for him to have his own space. Just as how I hold dear my alone time to do my own things.
As a couple, it is matter-of-factly to spend most of our time and do many things together. But I do not believe by entering into matrimony, we should be categorised as one entity. We are basically two individuals who have made a decision to live our lives together. That doesn't automatically translate us as an entity in which we should irritate the hell of each other by being glued together 24/7.
Couples who lose themselves in their relationships and forget who they really are and ultimately lose a life of their own, baffle me. I do not understand them. And I don't think I ever will.
I love the fact that the trust and confidence the man and I have in each other allow us to have a life.
I love it that he and I are on the same page on this one.
Find a brand new way of seeing,
Your eyes forever glued to mine.
- Placebo
As I was coming through our doorway, the man was surprised to see me.
'Aren't you supposed to be out for drinks?', was his first greeting to me when he saw me.
I told him the reason and teased, 'Aren't you glad to see me??!!'
He laughed and retorted, 'Now I understand how you feel whenever I come back early from the boys' outing.'
I chuckled. I was not at all displeased with his response. In fact, I comprehend fully how important it is for him to have his own space. Just as how I hold dear my alone time to do my own things.
As a couple, it is matter-of-factly to spend most of our time and do many things together. But I do not believe by entering into matrimony, we should be categorised as one entity. We are basically two individuals who have made a decision to live our lives together. That doesn't automatically translate us as an entity in which we should irritate the hell of each other by being glued together 24/7.
Couples who lose themselves in their relationships and forget who they really are and ultimately lose a life of their own, baffle me. I do not understand them. And I don't think I ever will.
I love the fact that the trust and confidence the man and I have in each other allow us to have a life.
I love it that he and I are on the same page on this one.
Find a brand new way of seeing,
Your eyes forever glued to mine.
- Placebo
Friday, August 8, 2008
Auspicious Day
Minutes before I left the apartment early this morning, the sky turned grey and droplets of rain could be heard. Oh well, just another passing shower, I mumbled to myself. I was barely on my way out the door when the heavens decided to open up. And what a downpour it was! Before I knew it, my shoes were drenching wet, followed by my jeans, bag and all. I sighed resignedly. I would have to make do with stinky wet shoes at work today.
The rain didn't let up when I reached the bus-stop. The second I boarded the bus however, the slashing rain dwindled to a drizzle.
I rolled my eyes. How typical.
Later I made my way to catch my second bus. As I was coming down from the overhead bridge, I began to feel uneasy. My bus was not there! Normally the bus would be waiting at the bus-stop by now. But not today. It should be arriving any minute now, I tried to calm myself. But with each passing minute, my uneasiness grew more intense. Indeed the bus didn't turn up despite its schedule. I was fuming mad! How could a public transport not turn up just like that???!! What kind of weird transport system is this??!!
My next pressing question was how I should get to work. The next bus was out of question as it's not due in another 45 mins. And what if the next one didn't turn up too? I couldn't risk that. I needed to call the man immediately. That's when I realised with great dismay that I have not topped up my pre-paid card on my mobile. ARRRRGGGG... I needed a phone NOW!
As luck would have it, I was able to borrow one from a passer-by. I rang the man immediately. A mail-box reply! Where is he when I need him the most???!! SIGH...
My in-laws were my next alternative. Fortunately Mr Senior had not left for work yet and I was able to catch a ride from him.
I was half an hour late for work. With soaking wet shoes and a foul mood.
The man had the cheeks to laugh when I told him my infuriating episode. He said, ' Isn't it supposed to be a lucky day for the Chinese?'
But of course! Today is the 08.08.08. An auspicious day. My ass!
The rain didn't let up when I reached the bus-stop. The second I boarded the bus however, the slashing rain dwindled to a drizzle.
I rolled my eyes. How typical.
Later I made my way to catch my second bus. As I was coming down from the overhead bridge, I began to feel uneasy. My bus was not there! Normally the bus would be waiting at the bus-stop by now. But not today. It should be arriving any minute now, I tried to calm myself. But with each passing minute, my uneasiness grew more intense. Indeed the bus didn't turn up despite its schedule. I was fuming mad! How could a public transport not turn up just like that???!! What kind of weird transport system is this??!!
My next pressing question was how I should get to work. The next bus was out of question as it's not due in another 45 mins. And what if the next one didn't turn up too? I couldn't risk that. I needed to call the man immediately. That's when I realised with great dismay that I have not topped up my pre-paid card on my mobile. ARRRRGGGG... I needed a phone NOW!
As luck would have it, I was able to borrow one from a passer-by. I rang the man immediately. A mail-box reply! Where is he when I need him the most???!! SIGH...
My in-laws were my next alternative. Fortunately Mr Senior had not left for work yet and I was able to catch a ride from him.
I was half an hour late for work. With soaking wet shoes and a foul mood.
The man had the cheeks to laugh when I told him my infuriating episode. He said, ' Isn't it supposed to be a lucky day for the Chinese?'
But of course! Today is the 08.08.08. An auspicious day. My ass!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Incarnation of a pig in human form
Simple joy:
Savouring nasi lemak wrapped in banana leaf for breakkie. And washing the yummy spicy nasi down with sips of piping hot kopi si. The warmth from the chilli and coffee heats up the tummy instantly while the stinging-cum-bittersweet aftertaste lingers beautifully on the palate. Bliss...
Before long, the tummy will be churning in protest due to the lethal combination of caffine and acid. A sign of mild heartburn.
Before long, the tummy will be churning in protest due to the lethal combination of caffine and acid. A sign of mild heartburn.
Oh yes, I do know of the danger of suffering consequences. Yet I can't resist such simple joy in my life. I would move heaven and earth just for food. I know. I am not human.
I am a PIG.
The Bestfriend's mum to her (on her eating habits): 你是人吗?不是!你是猪!
(Are you human? NO! You are a PIG!)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Forget me not
Until recently, I used to think that my Mandarin was passable in terms of verbal and writing skills. I never had problems with the language in schools and had pretty good grades to show off for.
But I was brought back to earth with a huge loud thump one day at work. It had come to a point where I had to write an email to a certain company in China. The contact person knows no English. The teleconversation earlier didn't go as planned because I was bumbling most of the time. The prep before the phone call didn't help a bit. I was embarrassed and ashamed that my business Chinese vocab was that inadequate.
So, I was determined to make up for my boo-boo by writing him a bloody powerful Chinese letter.
That one page letter took me 4 hours. 4 long hours in which I had to repeatedly look up in the business Chinese letter-writing books (which I had the foresight to buy when I was in Singapore) and in the net for English-Chinese translation websites for help. Not forgetting the hair-pulling when I couldn't remember how certain characters were written and their hanyu pingyin. My conclusion at the end of my mini-project drama is my knowledge of the language has deteriorated drastically over the years. So has my eyesight in the span of a morning. Too much intense pc screen staring.
I refused to let it be. Practise makes perfect. It's time to take matter into my own hands. It's time to讲华语 (speak Mandarin). I took whatever opportunities I had to communicate with Chinese nationals, be it spoken or written. One day I got this from one of them:
The Chinese: 你是那里人? (Where are you from?)
Hoonie: 我是新加坡华人。(I am a Singaporean Chinese.)
The Chinese: 你的普通话讲得很好!讲得比我还棒! (Your Mandarin is very good. Better than mine.)
Hoonie (laughing rather hysterically now): 是吗?!您过奖了!哈哈哈哈! (Really?! Thank you! Hahahaha!)
But I was brought back to earth with a huge loud thump one day at work. It had come to a point where I had to write an email to a certain company in China. The contact person knows no English. The teleconversation earlier didn't go as planned because I was bumbling most of the time. The prep before the phone call didn't help a bit. I was embarrassed and ashamed that my business Chinese vocab was that inadequate.
So, I was determined to make up for my boo-boo by writing him a bloody powerful Chinese letter.
That one page letter took me 4 hours. 4 long hours in which I had to repeatedly look up in the business Chinese letter-writing books (which I had the foresight to buy when I was in Singapore) and in the net for English-Chinese translation websites for help. Not forgetting the hair-pulling when I couldn't remember how certain characters were written and their hanyu pingyin. My conclusion at the end of my mini-project drama is my knowledge of the language has deteriorated drastically over the years. So has my eyesight in the span of a morning. Too much intense pc screen staring.
I refused to let it be. Practise makes perfect. It's time to take matter into my own hands. It's time to讲华语 (speak Mandarin). I took whatever opportunities I had to communicate with Chinese nationals, be it spoken or written. One day I got this from one of them:
The Chinese: 你是那里人? (Where are you from?)
Hoonie: 我是新加坡华人。(I am a Singaporean Chinese.)
The Chinese: 你的普通话讲得很好!讲得比我还棒! (Your Mandarin is very good. Better than mine.)
Hoonie (laughing rather hysterically now): 是吗?!您过奖了!哈哈哈哈! (Really?! Thank you! Hahahaha!)
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Do you know someone who is poor?
One million of its population queue on a regular basis for free bread, butter and fruits.
In one particular school, 17 children out of its 60 students suffer from starvation everyday because their parents are simply too poor to buy bread. This is in one small town where it is lined with pretty little houses and manicured gardens.
1 in every 6 Germans is classified as poor.
This is despite the fact that 700 million euros are being pumped out by the german government each year for social welfare.
Yet the number of poor people in Germany is increasing. From 12% to 18% in a period of 7 years. There are over 82 millions inhabitants in this country.
'Do you know someone who is poor?' A question such as this 10 years ago was considered as rhetoric. However, it is no longer so today.
Even though Germany is the largest national economy in Europe, the third largest by nominal GDP in the world, and ranked fifth by GDP.
Something is not right here.
I, like the rest of the working population in Germany have to pay tax. Almost 50% of my monthly pay. It accounts for pension, health insurance, social welfare and unemployment insurance. The net amount, thereafter, would be just about sufficient for a single person to rent a small apartment and perhaps pamper himself/herself in some simple indulgences once in a while.
A fellow colleague who takes the same bus as me to work everyday once lets slip that ever since she moved out from her parents', she has to watch her pennies. A jar of Nutella is now too expensive for her.
To pay 100 euros for a MP3 player is too much for another colleague. She can only afford a 20 euros one. As our pay is not due till mid month, she complains that she has to stay put at home for the next one week as she only has 3 euros left in her pocket.
I do not know how much they earn.
But I am gravely shocked. What a stark contrast to my fellow Singaporeans back home. A look in our MRTs tells a totally different story. You will find the young and the old with the latest and most fanciful handphones, itouch or iphone. Who cares about ipod videos anymore? While not forgetting their designer bags and attires. They hang out at the most trendy cafes and dine in restaurants and make plans for holiday trips a few times per year.
Therefore, imagine my struggle attempting to match Germany's image of a strong economical power with its rising proverty rate.
I am trying to come to terms with the tough reality.
In one particular school, 17 children out of its 60 students suffer from starvation everyday because their parents are simply too poor to buy bread. This is in one small town where it is lined with pretty little houses and manicured gardens.
1 in every 6 Germans is classified as poor.
This is despite the fact that 700 million euros are being pumped out by the german government each year for social welfare.
Yet the number of poor people in Germany is increasing. From 12% to 18% in a period of 7 years. There are over 82 millions inhabitants in this country.
'Do you know someone who is poor?' A question such as this 10 years ago was considered as rhetoric. However, it is no longer so today.
Even though Germany is the largest national economy in Europe, the third largest by nominal GDP in the world, and ranked fifth by GDP.
Something is not right here.
I, like the rest of the working population in Germany have to pay tax. Almost 50% of my monthly pay. It accounts for pension, health insurance, social welfare and unemployment insurance. The net amount, thereafter, would be just about sufficient for a single person to rent a small apartment and perhaps pamper himself/herself in some simple indulgences once in a while.
A fellow colleague who takes the same bus as me to work everyday once lets slip that ever since she moved out from her parents', she has to watch her pennies. A jar of Nutella is now too expensive for her.
To pay 100 euros for a MP3 player is too much for another colleague. She can only afford a 20 euros one. As our pay is not due till mid month, she complains that she has to stay put at home for the next one week as she only has 3 euros left in her pocket.
I do not know how much they earn.
But I am gravely shocked. What a stark contrast to my fellow Singaporeans back home. A look in our MRTs tells a totally different story. You will find the young and the old with the latest and most fanciful handphones, itouch or iphone. Who cares about ipod videos anymore? While not forgetting their designer bags and attires. They hang out at the most trendy cafes and dine in restaurants and make plans for holiday trips a few times per year.
Therefore, imagine my struggle attempting to match Germany's image of a strong economical power with its rising proverty rate.
I am trying to come to terms with the tough reality.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I possess it even before I could master the skill to use it. Yet the sense of thrill is uncontainable seeing it right in front of me, meaning for me to call it my own.
A lovely present from the very thoughtful in-laws. Instead of a KitchenAid which is of course incomparable. It is without a doubt a more desirable gift.
I felt giddy and took a deep breathe. Followed by a wide grin on my face. I am walking on air towards seventh heaven.
I can't wait to play with my new toy.
A lovely present from the very thoughtful in-laws. Instead of a KitchenAid which is of course incomparable. It is without a doubt a more desirable gift.
I felt giddy and took a deep breathe. Followed by a wide grin on my face. I am walking on air towards seventh heaven.
I can't wait to play with my new toy.
Germany vs Turkey
The police are on standby tonight despite reports that it's going to be a huge celebration for both german and turkish nationals here, no matter who gets into the final. No one believes such pack of lies.
It is akin to Singapore vs Malaysia.
Enough said.
It is akin to Singapore vs Malaysia.
Enough said.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
7:30 - 4:30
It's been barely a week since I touched down in Germany. Yet, it seems like a month has flew past me. A new job, a driving refreshment course and a german exam around the corner. All before I have even recovered from my Singapore trip. No wonder I feel so drained.
Exhaustion aside, a new routine has taken its place now. I no longer have the luxury of sleeping in. My day begins at 5:30am and usually ends at 9ish in the night. No chance of MSNing or blogging till the wee hours. No more spending hours in the kitchen brewing some soups or cooking up a storm.
I am not lamenting however. The man observes, in spite of my weariness, I look happy. That observation comforts me somehow. Despite the need to perform housework as well, I revel in zipping around like a bee. For now.
Exhaustion aside, a new routine has taken its place now. I no longer have the luxury of sleeping in. My day begins at 5:30am and usually ends at 9ish in the night. No chance of MSNing or blogging till the wee hours. No more spending hours in the kitchen brewing some soups or cooking up a storm.
I am not lamenting however. The man observes, in spite of my weariness, I look happy. That observation comforts me somehow. Despite the need to perform housework as well, I revel in zipping around like a bee. For now.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Glam it up
Shoes are a girl's best friend. Many girls go wild over stilettos, pumps, mary janes, ballerinas, wedges, peep-toes, you name it. Though it's never fun doning that new pair of shoes for the very first time. It is often a painful process which cripples you in the middle of the street and with blisters to show at the end of the day. Of which I totally dread.
Two new pairs of shoes bought months back are housebound due to the chilly weather. Temperature has since escalated. And I have been in distress over how many plasters I would need to break in the shoes, not to mention the pain one has to put up with and the ugly marks from the blisters. For a split moment, I actually regretted buying the shoes.
Looking down at my feet, a thought struck me. I could break in the shoes by wearing them at home for a few days. What's better, the pain would be reduced to a bare minimum with my socks on. I was kicking myself for not coming up with that earlier. I can be so stooopid sometimes.
Of late, Hoonie can be seen pattering around her apartment in her brown shoes with blue socks while she cooks and cleans. Quite an eccentric colour combo really. Glam factor: -38
Two new pairs of shoes bought months back are housebound due to the chilly weather. Temperature has since escalated. And I have been in distress over how many plasters I would need to break in the shoes, not to mention the pain one has to put up with and the ugly marks from the blisters. For a split moment, I actually regretted buying the shoes.
Looking down at my feet, a thought struck me. I could break in the shoes by wearing them at home for a few days. What's better, the pain would be reduced to a bare minimum with my socks on. I was kicking myself for not coming up with that earlier. I can be so stooopid sometimes.

On Cloud Nine
I have fantastic news to share. I landed a JOB! YES! Finally. After all these months. I am totally overwhelmed as it all happened in a blink of an eye.
Monday: The Company received my resume.
Tuesday: The Company called for an interview on Wednesday morning.
Wednesday: The interview lasted almost 5 hours and I was offered the job right away.
The reality did not really sink in until I reached home. That's when I allowed myself to breathe freely. And with a big wide grin spreading on my face, I let out a shout of joy.
The man was speechless when I told him the news. No one anticipated such prompt response as this is quite uncharacteristic of german firms.
Sure, there will be challenges to be overcomed and expectations to be met. The work won't be easy as a pie. But I will worry about that later. After my holiday, that is.
Basking in exuberance and excitment is what I deserve right now.
Monday: The Company received my resume.
Tuesday: The Company called for an interview on Wednesday morning.
Wednesday: The interview lasted almost 5 hours and I was offered the job right away.
The reality did not really sink in until I reached home. That's when I allowed myself to breathe freely. And with a big wide grin spreading on my face, I let out a shout of joy.
The man was speechless when I told him the news. No one anticipated such prompt response as this is quite uncharacteristic of german firms.
Sure, there will be challenges to be overcomed and expectations to be met. The work won't be easy as a pie. But I will worry about that later. After my holiday, that is.
Basking in exuberance and excitment is what I deserve right now.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Like a rat does cheese
The man is out for his boys' night while I am chilling with myself with a glass of wine, cheese and cool tunes. No, I have not turned into an alcoholic. I do like the occassional wine along with my dinner (as long as it goes smoothly down my throat), even though I can't tell the difference from Bordeaux and Merlot to Chardonnay and Riesling. And I still can't hold my alcohol. As usual, my face and ears turn a lobster-red after a few sips. Which I get teased mercilessly by the man's friends. I was even advised to have a drink every morning, just so I could keep up with them. The advise obviously fell on deaf ears.
My brillant idea of having wine is to pair with the cheese. The two have been consumed together for thousand of years so how wrong can it be?
I heart cheese. I can't remember my first encounter with cheese. The only one I recalled was when a dear friend worked in No. 5 and we popped by for drinks one night. Cheese was sent to the table and I remember I didn't hate it. The luxurious creamy flavour and texture lingered in my mouth for a long while. It was yummy.
In Germany, cheese is consumed and savoured at every possible occasion. Be it at breakfast, lunch, dinner, or as an appetiser or dessert, or like me, just for mere self-indulgence. At Mr R Senior's birthday party last week, I was helping myself ceaselessly to the cheese platter and some wine. The man's aunt gave me a dirty look. She must be shocked with the amount of cheese I stuffed my face with. LOL.
Like wine, I am clueless about the vast varieties of cheese. Though I do have a slight inkling of the common ones like Gouda, Camembert, Parmesan, Cheddar, Feta, Brie, Berg Cheese, Tete de Moine, I wouldn't trust myself to assemble a decent cheese platter. Well, a new challenge awaits now.
Remy: I have got to teach you about food. Close your eyes.
Remy: Now take a bite of this...
(Emile snarfs the cheese)
Remy: No, no, no! Don't just hork it down!
Emile: Too late.
- Ratatouille
My brillant idea of having wine is to pair with the cheese. The two have been consumed together for thousand of years so how wrong can it be?
I heart cheese. I can't remember my first encounter with cheese. The only one I recalled was when a dear friend worked in No. 5 and we popped by for drinks one night. Cheese was sent to the table and I remember I didn't hate it. The luxurious creamy flavour and texture lingered in my mouth for a long while. It was yummy.
In Germany, cheese is consumed and savoured at every possible occasion. Be it at breakfast, lunch, dinner, or as an appetiser or dessert, or like me, just for mere self-indulgence. At Mr R Senior's birthday party last week, I was helping myself ceaselessly to the cheese platter and some wine. The man's aunt gave me a dirty look. She must be shocked with the amount of cheese I stuffed my face with. LOL.
Like wine, I am clueless about the vast varieties of cheese. Though I do have a slight inkling of the common ones like Gouda, Camembert, Parmesan, Cheddar, Feta, Brie, Berg Cheese, Tete de Moine, I wouldn't trust myself to assemble a decent cheese platter. Well, a new challenge awaits now.
Remy: I have got to teach you about food. Close your eyes.
Remy: Now take a bite of this...
(Emile snarfs the cheese)
Remy: No, no, no! Don't just hork it down!
Emile: Too late.
- Ratatouille

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Got the hots for the Hot
It's that time of the month again. While my body is going through its usual dramatic hormonal changes, it is also craving for something extremely spicy, sweet or sinful. As I took a look at my drawer which is full of chocolates, I felt sick. I do not have a sweet tooth while Mr R does. As a result, his beloved mum is relentless in buying us little gifts in the form of chocolates. Such generosity I protest unremittingly to no avail.
So it seemed chocolate turn me off at the moment. The other alternative would be anything stinging hot. Just then Sambal Chilli popped into my mind. My mouth watered as I toyed with the idea. Sambal chilli goes well with just about anything. So what are we waiting for? I was determined to churn out a real mean fiery hot sambal which leaves your lips all red and swollen or causes your head to break into cold sweat.

Hoonie is, however, disappointed to report that her sambal is not that mean afterall. Her lips did not suffer from that stinging tingling sensation she had wished for. Though the sambal went very well with her nasi lemak later. She was just too hungry and greedy to make time for pictures. All in all, it served the purpose of quelling her hot cravings. She is pleased.
So it seemed chocolate turn me off at the moment. The other alternative would be anything stinging hot. Just then Sambal Chilli popped into my mind. My mouth watered as I toyed with the idea. Sambal chilli goes well with just about anything. So what are we waiting for? I was determined to churn out a real mean fiery hot sambal which leaves your lips all red and swollen or causes your head to break into cold sweat.
Hoonie is, however, disappointed to report that her sambal is not that mean afterall. Her lips did not suffer from that stinging tingling sensation she had wished for. Though the sambal went very well with her nasi lemak later. She was just too hungry and greedy to make time for pictures. All in all, it served the purpose of quelling her hot cravings. She is pleased.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Mercedes-Benz and The Great Wall
These icons were designed by Liu Young, who was born in China and educated in Germany. She aptly illustrated the differences in mentality, social heritage and way of life between the two cultures. They are very real and yet amusing nonetheless. Some of which the man and I experience in our everyday life.
Blue --> German
Red --> Chinese

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder Part 2
I was rattling on and on about my porn-queen chick in the last entry that I forgot to explain why she almost did a 'striptease' in the first place. She was kind enough to be the model for the top I chose for my girlfriend. Even without my asking. This is what I call initiative. She certainly gives me good vibes. And then the top looked smashing on her. I was sold right away. How smart is that to market her products in that effortless yet effective way? A good blonde head she definitely has on her shoulders.

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
I was looking to get a present for a friend's birthday at our usual hunt one day. As I stepped into the shop, not a soul was in sight. So off I went to the second floor where the girlie section was. Again no signs of any forms of human being. Feeling a little puzzled, I carried on with my hunt. At the same time, naughty ideas started to form at the back my head: What would happen if I were to pinch a thing or two? Would I get caught red-handed?
(I, for one, am proned to improper thoughts at inappropriate places. Like, when I was in a church one time, Pink's God is a DJ was playing repeatedly in my head to the chantings of prayers in the background. Such blasphemy!)
After 10 mins of being left alone, the salesgirl finally made her appearance from the office. Upon seeing me, she exclaimed, 'Oh, I didn't realise there's a customer here!' I assumed she was taking her afternoon nap. Then I proceeded to share with her my doubts if the top I found would fit my girlfriend. Without further ado, the babe took off her top in a heartbeat, thereby exposing her lovely tits in a sexy lacy brown bra. The brown bra compliments her tanned skin beautifully. Hmm, she is yummy... I hope she didn't notice my dropped jaw or catch me staring because we were all taught that staring is rude, weren't we? Then again, we don't get such treats everyday and besides, beautiful things are meant to be appreciated, ain't they? I would hit on her if I were a guy. She is hot with her blond hair and all. However, on second thought, I wouldn't. Her style borders on the porn-queen look. Her husky voice, probably from too much smoking, completes that look. Not my kind of chick, really. Any takers?
Gina-Lisa, the porn-queen-lookalike candidate in Germany's Next Topmodel.
(I, for one, am proned to improper thoughts at inappropriate places. Like, when I was in a church one time, Pink's God is a DJ was playing repeatedly in my head to the chantings of prayers in the background. Such blasphemy!)
After 10 mins of being left alone, the salesgirl finally made her appearance from the office. Upon seeing me, she exclaimed, 'Oh, I didn't realise there's a customer here!' I assumed she was taking her afternoon nap. Then I proceeded to share with her my doubts if the top I found would fit my girlfriend. Without further ado, the babe took off her top in a heartbeat, thereby exposing her lovely tits in a sexy lacy brown bra. The brown bra compliments her tanned skin beautifully. Hmm, she is yummy... I hope she didn't notice my dropped jaw or catch me staring because we were all taught that staring is rude, weren't we? Then again, we don't get such treats everyday and besides, beautiful things are meant to be appreciated, ain't they? I would hit on her if I were a guy. She is hot with her blond hair and all. However, on second thought, I wouldn't. Her style borders on the porn-queen look. Her husky voice, probably from too much smoking, completes that look. Not my kind of chick, really. Any takers?

Sunday, April 6, 2008
I casually asked the man mintues ago, 'What are our plans on Tuesday?'
He asked, 'What's the occassion?'
I stared hard at him. He blinked back at me blankly. This exchange of looks lasted for some long seconds before I finally resigned, 'It's our wedding anniversary!!!'
He mouthed the word 'Oh' and smiled sheepishly.
This is our 2nd year and he is already developing anniversay amnesia. Seriously, I didn't anticipate this to happen that soon. My guess was the average symptoms should begin to show only from the 5th year on. No?
And please don't ask how I derived that number.
Funny his selected amnesia doesn't bother me in the least. And I wonder why. Is it because I am not the sort who kicks up a fuss over such things? Or is it because I myself used to be guilty of such negligence too? Maybe it's more like I have already received my gift so I can overlook such amnesia with ease. Okay, a gift which I hand-picked personally. Yes yes, he is hopeless when it comes to getting me presents. Story of my life. Oh well...
Whatever it is, despite our frequent squabbles, our cultural clashes and our opinionatedness, it has been a good 2 years of compromises, understanding and appreciation.
Who says a relationship doesn't require effort?
You say you wanna stay by my side,
Darlin, your head's not right
- The Strokes
He asked, 'What's the occassion?'
I stared hard at him. He blinked back at me blankly. This exchange of looks lasted for some long seconds before I finally resigned, 'It's our wedding anniversary!!!'
He mouthed the word 'Oh' and smiled sheepishly.
This is our 2nd year and he is already developing anniversay amnesia. Seriously, I didn't anticipate this to happen that soon. My guess was the average symptoms should begin to show only from the 5th year on. No?
And please don't ask how I derived that number.
Funny his selected amnesia doesn't bother me in the least. And I wonder why. Is it because I am not the sort who kicks up a fuss over such things? Or is it because I myself used to be guilty of such negligence too? Maybe it's more like I have already received my gift so I can overlook such amnesia with ease. Okay, a gift which I hand-picked personally. Yes yes, he is hopeless when it comes to getting me presents. Story of my life. Oh well...
Whatever it is, despite our frequent squabbles, our cultural clashes and our opinionatedness, it has been a good 2 years of compromises, understanding and appreciation.
Who says a relationship doesn't require effort?
You say you wanna stay by my side,
Darlin, your head's not right
- The Strokes
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Culinary Trier
Trier here refers not to the city in Germany. Instead it refers to one that tries or a tester. Yes, a Try-er. As I have too much time on my hands, I have been getting my hands downright wet and dirty. Literally. What else do you expect from all them washing, cutting, kneading and marinating?
Which resulted in our recent chow below.
Which resulted in our recent chow below.
Friday, March 21, 2008
It's snowing outside. Yes, in the middle of March. When it's supposed to be spring. When it's supposed to be suuny and cool. When it's supposed to be my chance to wear my leather jacket... Sigh.. What is happening to our mother earth? Global warming is nasty. Mankind is nastier.
I would like to count my blessings that life has been well to me. I am happy and contended and I do not have much to worry about except for my parents (that's a story for another day). Human beings are incomplacent creatures. We crave for things which we cannot have. Hence, my current insane obsession to find work. In all honesty? I think I am asking for trouble, more like it. Imagine juggling work and home at the same time. Superwoman, anyone?
I would like to count my blessings that life has been well to me. I am happy and contended and I do not have much to worry about except for my parents (that's a story for another day). Human beings are incomplacent creatures. We crave for things which we cannot have. Hence, my current insane obsession to find work. In all honesty? I think I am asking for trouble, more like it. Imagine juggling work and home at the same time. Superwoman, anyone?
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Toy Soldier
It's been a series of letdowns over the last few months in the job searching department. I wish I had better news to share with my friends. Like, hey, I finally landed that job!! Unfortunately, lady luck hasn't been dropping by lately. I would like to believe the great divine up there has something better in store for me. However, in the face of multiple rejections, even the most strongly held belief wavers. And then demoralisation and self-doubt start to kick in. How fun.
I try not to dwell too much on the negative emotion aftermath because it doesn't get me anywhere. Instead, I focus my energy on sending out more applications. I like to think I am practising the chinese saying, turn grief and indignation into strength (化悲愤为力量). One thing is for sure, the more rejections get thrown at me, the more interview experience I gain. These days I no longer stutter during german interviews, by the way.
I do not know how long it would take before I say, enough is enough, fuck job searching, it's baby time. Till then I shall continue to be thick-skinned and soldier on.
I try not to dwell too much on the negative emotion aftermath because it doesn't get me anywhere. Instead, I focus my energy on sending out more applications. I like to think I am practising the chinese saying, turn grief and indignation into strength (化悲愤为力量). One thing is for sure, the more rejections get thrown at me, the more interview experience I gain. These days I no longer stutter during german interviews, by the way.
I do not know how long it would take before I say, enough is enough, fuck job searching, it's baby time. Till then I shall continue to be thick-skinned and soldier on.
Friday, March 14, 2008
The Fringe
An exchange in hair saloon one day when the hairstylist was working on The Fringe:

The Hoonie: I can't see! It's too long!
The Hairstylist: I don't care! As long as you look good.
P.S. He is not gay, by the way.

The Leather
Celebs are sporting it. Models are working the trend. It hits the high streets big time. It is never a last season item. So are you rocking the leather jacket trend?
I am.
I finally caved in to the leather jacket trend after seeing them splashed across pages of every self-respectable fashion magazines, after seeing them in the displays of all good fashion stores, after seeing fashion-slaves in them, sashaying past me.
It was not that simple, however, to shop for THAT must-have leather jacket. The cut has to be perfect, the colour must be right and the look has to be biker chic. And needless to say, a good leather jacket costs an arm and a leg. Thus it took me ages before I decided on the right one.
I was euphoric the day I brought it home. I was grinning from ear to ear, jumping around for joy and even did a little dance while parading in it for the man. I even had the urge of stealing a look at it in the wardrobe before turning in that night.
Oh yes, I am in love.
I am.
I finally caved in to the leather jacket trend after seeing them splashed across pages of every self-respectable fashion magazines, after seeing them in the displays of all good fashion stores, after seeing fashion-slaves in them, sashaying past me.
It was not that simple, however, to shop for THAT must-have leather jacket. The cut has to be perfect, the colour must be right and the look has to be biker chic. And needless to say, a good leather jacket costs an arm and a leg. Thus it took me ages before I decided on the right one.
I was euphoric the day I brought it home. I was grinning from ear to ear, jumping around for joy and even did a little dance while parading in it for the man. I even had the urge of stealing a look at it in the wardrobe before turning in that night.
Oh yes, I am in love.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
A Greater Being is dying to try me
Everyone has their fair share of bad days, including me. My day didn't start off that badly today. In fact, it was towards the end of the day that things just didn't go my way. Right after my german tuition which ended at 5pm, I popped by my friendly neighbourhood supermarket for some inspiration for dinner. I have literally nothing in the fridge at home. As it turned out, most fresh meat were gone except for some chicken drumsticks. Since I had frozen lotus root in the freezer, lotus root chicken soup it would be then! I only needed to google that particular recipe which I normally use for this brew. Not a very bright idea like I thought at first. Came home to realise that particular website was down. I rolled my eyes, pursed my lips and heaved a deep sigh.
Allow me to digress. This is not my first time such incidents have happened to me. It was Christmas and for my Christmas Eve's dessert I needed an online tiramisu recipe which I often refer to. Naturally the website was down on me, what else? Plan B: luckily my neighbour has a tiramisu recipe. It was potluck party at mine and I required a Yong Tau Foo sauce from yet another online recipe. No prize for guessing right, the website had to be down on that day, of course. No plan B because my german neighbour knows no Yong Tau Foo and I had to do the sauce according to my memory. A failure, sauce was too salty...
Obviously, till today I never learned my lessons. By now, my blood was beginning to simmer. Went to an alternative website to realise I haven't had the peanuts which were supposed to add more flavour to my soup. Great. Rang Mr R on his mobile for help. His bloody mobile refused to ring. I tried once, twice, thrice. No ringing tone. In a fit of frustration, I threw my phone on the sofa. Yes, I am impatient and very very short-tempered especially when I am pressed for time. You see, I like our dinner to be ready when the man comes home after work. Yes, talk about being dutiful. But tonight my soup was going to be trashy! Damn! 10 mins later, I tried ringing the man again. His phone rang this time but he was already in our garage. So bloody typical. Mr R then came home to a stewy me. The clever man left me to sulk and went on to read his mails. At least one of us learnt our lessons well.
No sooner had he left the kitchen, he came right back again, to hand me a letter addressed to me. It's from an online store from which I have ordered a jacket. I have been waiting eagerly for almost 2 weeks now for my parcel even though it was stated that delivery usually takes within 4 days. I was beginning to doubt the reliability of this online shop when they decided to deliver my long-awaited jacket today. But of course. Of all days they had to deliver it on the very day when I would be away from home to have my tuition. How much more typical can it get? What's even better, I still do not have my jacket. As stated in their letter, the delivery chap apparently couldn't find our address. Hence, my jacket is being brought back. Can someone please enlighten me, how the bloody hell did the fucking letter get into our fucking mailbox when the bloody stupid delivery guy cannot find our bloody address? HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN???!!! HOW???!! How fucking anal and lame was that? And it is common knowledge here that one's neighbours can accept one's packages on one's behalf when one is not there to recieve it. What other delivery guys with common sense would do is, they simply ring the bells of the neighbours and voila, they save themselves an extra trip. So just how thick is our delivery chap? DUH...
Last check on the Hoonie's mood: as dark as the clouds outside. She was fuming mad and starving and the brew needed at least an hour.
After dinner, however, the dark clouds at home cleared up a little. The stir-fried asparagus was palatable and the soup turned out tasty. Those peanuts ain't that essential for this brew afterall. That's some consolation.
Allow me to digress. This is not my first time such incidents have happened to me. It was Christmas and for my Christmas Eve's dessert I needed an online tiramisu recipe which I often refer to. Naturally the website was down on me, what else? Plan B: luckily my neighbour has a tiramisu recipe. It was potluck party at mine and I required a Yong Tau Foo sauce from yet another online recipe. No prize for guessing right, the website had to be down on that day, of course. No plan B because my german neighbour knows no Yong Tau Foo and I had to do the sauce according to my memory. A failure, sauce was too salty...
Obviously, till today I never learned my lessons. By now, my blood was beginning to simmer. Went to an alternative website to realise I haven't had the peanuts which were supposed to add more flavour to my soup. Great. Rang Mr R on his mobile for help. His bloody mobile refused to ring. I tried once, twice, thrice. No ringing tone. In a fit of frustration, I threw my phone on the sofa. Yes, I am impatient and very very short-tempered especially when I am pressed for time. You see, I like our dinner to be ready when the man comes home after work. Yes, talk about being dutiful. But tonight my soup was going to be trashy! Damn! 10 mins later, I tried ringing the man again. His phone rang this time but he was already in our garage. So bloody typical. Mr R then came home to a stewy me. The clever man left me to sulk and went on to read his mails. At least one of us learnt our lessons well.
No sooner had he left the kitchen, he came right back again, to hand me a letter addressed to me. It's from an online store from which I have ordered a jacket. I have been waiting eagerly for almost 2 weeks now for my parcel even though it was stated that delivery usually takes within 4 days. I was beginning to doubt the reliability of this online shop when they decided to deliver my long-awaited jacket today. But of course. Of all days they had to deliver it on the very day when I would be away from home to have my tuition. How much more typical can it get? What's even better, I still do not have my jacket. As stated in their letter, the delivery chap apparently couldn't find our address. Hence, my jacket is being brought back. Can someone please enlighten me, how the bloody hell did the fucking letter get into our fucking mailbox when the bloody stupid delivery guy cannot find our bloody address? HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN???!!! HOW???!! How fucking anal and lame was that? And it is common knowledge here that one's neighbours can accept one's packages on one's behalf when one is not there to recieve it. What other delivery guys with common sense would do is, they simply ring the bells of the neighbours and voila, they save themselves an extra trip. So just how thick is our delivery chap? DUH...
Last check on the Hoonie's mood: as dark as the clouds outside. She was fuming mad and starving and the brew needed at least an hour.
After dinner, however, the dark clouds at home cleared up a little. The stir-fried asparagus was palatable and the soup turned out tasty. Those peanuts ain't that essential for this brew afterall. That's some consolation.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Walk the walk
The national pastime of this country is walking or to be more precise, hiking. The common Germans would have no qualms hiking for 4 to 5 hours straight. Nothing puts them off, even on cold winter days. Today, however, is no normal winter day. The sun was shining brightly and the temperature was at a pleasant 18 degrees. The Germans were out in full force to hike and to enjoy the sunny weather, taking a nice break from the cold. We were no exception.
When Mr R informed me of their plan to go hiking last night, I was not at all enthusiastic. It immediately reminded me of my very first hiking in my life, which was roughly 1 and half year back. We hiked 14km in total that fateful day! This is no bloody ordinary feat for someone like me. Close friends who know me well, are aware that I hate all types of walking, be it hikings, short walks, long walks, brisk walks, marathon walks etc. I'd rather take a bus or flag down a cab. However, the latest reality check is I am not living in Singapore at the moment.
So, despite my unwillingness to hike, I was also painfully aware that a perfect beautiful day would be totally wasted by doing nothing at home. This is Europe and shops are closed on Sundays. Therefore, I went along with their plan reluctantly.
17km! Almost 5 hours of walking, with little breaks in between. The last half hour stretch before our destination which was our car, my body was so spent that my arms hung limp at my sides while I dragged my feet. They felt like lead, by the way. Once I hit the car, I dozed off in no time from the fatigue of the long hike.
When Mr R informed me of their plan to go hiking last night, I was not at all enthusiastic. It immediately reminded me of my very first hiking in my life, which was roughly 1 and half year back. We hiked 14km in total that fateful day! This is no bloody ordinary feat for someone like me. Close friends who know me well, are aware that I hate all types of walking, be it hikings, short walks, long walks, brisk walks, marathon walks etc. I'd rather take a bus or flag down a cab. However, the latest reality check is I am not living in Singapore at the moment.
So, despite my unwillingness to hike, I was also painfully aware that a perfect beautiful day would be totally wasted by doing nothing at home. This is Europe and shops are closed on Sundays. Therefore, I went along with their plan reluctantly.
17km! Almost 5 hours of walking, with little breaks in between. The last half hour stretch before our destination which was our car, my body was so spent that my arms hung limp at my sides while I dragged my feet. They felt like lead, by the way. Once I hit the car, I dozed off in no time from the fatigue of the long hike.
This little pixie is one with brains and looks.
Hobbits in the woods??
Pixie finding a way to get down.
Some were getting a sun while some did BBQ.
Pixie was beat.
A Vietnamese Experience
I love soups. To death. Especially broths which have been simmered for hours with tender loving care. All the goodness and the essence of the ingredients would have been transfused from the long simmering into the soups and thereby adding a lovely flavour to them. The flavours, deriving from the ingredients, usually marry well together in the broth, rather than overpowering each other. The end result would be either a clear broth subtle in taste and light, or a rich brew with an intense colour. More often than not, such soups smack of delectable sweetness. What more can one ask for on cold winter days other than a delightful warming soup?
Hence, I'm often seen searching the web for soup recipes. That's how I stumbled upon this recipe for Pho Bo, a vietnamese beef noodle soup. I am no expert in Vietnamese cuisine but I've always loved their Beef Pho and Chicken Pho. In addition, the step-by-step detailed recipe is provided by a Vietnamese cook who has her own collection of cookbooks. Thus, I concluded it would be safe enough to follow her recipe. I was all excited like a schoolgirl on her first day of school and couldn't wait to get my hands on all the ingredients and start brewing away. Which I finally did on Tuesday.
Beef Pho
I am not bragging but the Pho tasted authentic aight! Okay, all the ones I had before were in Singapore so what do I know about authentic Pho? On a consoling note, mine was at least as authentic as the ones in Singapore. One tip though, never omit coriander and spring onions for Pho as both garnishes complete the whole Pho experience. It would be quite a shame if one is not a fan of them. Also red chilli padies are a must, that goes without saying. Total bliss while slurping my lovely broth thereafter. Mr R has only praises for me. Hehe..
However, all that simmering yielded only 3 servings of soup unfortunately. Thereby, dashing my hopes of having Pho for the next few days. I need a bigger pot for all them bones and soup!
Hence, I'm often seen searching the web for soup recipes. That's how I stumbled upon this recipe for Pho Bo, a vietnamese beef noodle soup. I am no expert in Vietnamese cuisine but I've always loved their Beef Pho and Chicken Pho. In addition, the step-by-step detailed recipe is provided by a Vietnamese cook who has her own collection of cookbooks. Thus, I concluded it would be safe enough to follow her recipe. I was all excited like a schoolgirl on her first day of school and couldn't wait to get my hands on all the ingredients and start brewing away. Which I finally did on Tuesday.
I am not bragging but the Pho tasted authentic aight! Okay, all the ones I had before were in Singapore so what do I know about authentic Pho? On a consoling note, mine was at least as authentic as the ones in Singapore. One tip though, never omit coriander and spring onions for Pho as both garnishes complete the whole Pho experience. It would be quite a shame if one is not a fan of them. Also red chilli padies are a must, that goes without saying. Total bliss while slurping my lovely broth thereafter. Mr R has only praises for me. Hehe..
However, all that simmering yielded only 3 servings of soup unfortunately. Thereby, dashing my hopes of having Pho for the next few days. I need a bigger pot for all them bones and soup!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
A Prawns Affaire
After watching Anthony Bourdain slurping our Prawn Mee in Singapore, I've been craving for the divine orangey shrimpy soup ever since. 2 weeks ago, I finally made my attempt in brewing this soup concoction. Almost all the recipes I've researched on, called for loads of prawn heads and shells. That requires plenty of time and naturally tons of patience, which was rather thin especially in my craving moment. Luckily, I had the foresight of keeping a pack of such shells and heads months back, just for emergency like sudden cravings. Obviously that little pack wouldn't make for a great shrimpy broth. But as luck would have it, my decision for having a reunion dinner somehow helped in making my prawn mee dream come true. I had to use almost 2kg of prawns for the Ngoh Hiang. That's where I got my supply of heads and shells!!! Wasting no time, I gathered the rest of the ingredients and set about simmering the broth. The only ingredient missing was Kang Kong. Even in the asian shops here, we do not have the luxury of having a wide variety of chinese vegetables everyday like in Singapore, let alone the usual supermarkets.
Anyhow, in no time, the whole apartment was filled with an aroma of herbs and prawns. After spending half a day in the kitchen (okay, I am a slow worker when it comes to cooking), I finally sat down with Mr R and enjoyed my fruit of labour. My first sip of the broth brought a satisfying smile on my face. As I continued eating, my grin got wider. I have to let in, it cannot be compared to the ones sold in the hawker centres. Even so, it was good enough for me. If it's good enough for me, it's good enough for Mr R.
Prawn Mee
So, I have changed my mind and decided to post some pictures on my blog. Indeed a blog does appear more interesting with pictures which add colours and liven up an otherwise lacklustre page. It would be too dull with just text and text, wouldn't it? Oh well, the female species are afterall fickle creatures. They are entitled to change their minds every so often, aren't they?
Anyhow, in no time, the whole apartment was filled with an aroma of herbs and prawns. After spending half a day in the kitchen (okay, I am a slow worker when it comes to cooking), I finally sat down with Mr R and enjoyed my fruit of labour. My first sip of the broth brought a satisfying smile on my face. As I continued eating, my grin got wider. I have to let in, it cannot be compared to the ones sold in the hawker centres. Even so, it was good enough for me. If it's good enough for me, it's good enough for Mr R.
So, I have changed my mind and decided to post some pictures on my blog. Indeed a blog does appear more interesting with pictures which add colours and liven up an otherwise lacklustre page. It would be too dull with just text and text, wouldn't it? Oh well, the female species are afterall fickle creatures. They are entitled to change their minds every so often, aren't they?
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