My brillant idea of having wine is to pair with the cheese. The two have been consumed together for thousand of years so how wrong can it be?
I heart cheese. I can't remember my first encounter with cheese. The only one I recalled was when a dear friend worked in No. 5 and we popped by for drinks one night. Cheese was sent to the table and I remember I didn't hate it. The luxurious creamy flavour and texture lingered in my mouth for a long while. It was yummy.
In Germany, cheese is consumed and savoured at every possible occasion. Be it at breakfast, lunch, dinner, or as an appetiser or dessert, or like me, just for mere self-indulgence. At Mr R Senior's birthday party last week, I was helping myself ceaselessly to the cheese platter and some wine. The man's aunt gave me a dirty look. She must be shocked with the amount of cheese I stuffed my face with. LOL.
Like wine, I am clueless about the vast varieties of cheese. Though I do have a slight inkling of the common ones like Gouda, Camembert, Parmesan, Cheddar, Feta, Brie, Berg Cheese, Tete de Moine, I wouldn't trust myself to assemble a decent cheese platter. Well, a new challenge awaits now.
Remy: I have got to teach you about food. Close your eyes.
Remy: Now take a bite of this...
(Emile snarfs the cheese)
Remy: No, no, no! Don't just hork it down!
Emile: Too late.
- Ratatouille