Wednesday, August 27, 2008

No Sick Food

I hate falling ill in Germany. Because like any typical Singaporeans, I need my sick food when I am unwell. The usuals like Kway Teow Soup, Porridge, Mee Tai Mak Soup, Macaroni Soup etc. Which are easy and soothing on your pharynx especially when you are suffering from a bad dry throat. These comfort food is easily available in our friendly neighbourhood coffee shops in Singapore. But most definitely not here in this ang moh land.

When one is poorly, with aching joints and low energy level, one has absolutely no desire to lift a finger to even brush one's teeth, let alone cook one's own sick food.

Apparently the Germans do not have any sorts of food which can be categorised as sick food. At least in terms of my classification. You will find rows and rows of Knorr and Maggie soup powder in the supermarket should you crave for soups. More often than not, they unsettle my stomach further in my unwell state.

My MIL does her own chicken noodle soup. The ang moh version, of course. But I find it a tad too oily and unnatural even on my dull palate. She adds spoonfuls of soup powder in it.

I make do with my plain porridge with whatever I can find in the fridge. Not that I can find much seeing that I hardly cook these days.

Fortunately, a pack of pork floss is lying somewhere in the cupboard. That will do for now.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Gear up!

I obtained my driving license on a second try. A tiff with the dear ex shortly after resulted in me, in a fit of spite, to forsake driving. That was at least 10 years ago.

Since then, I've only made one very reluctant and feeble attempt at driving. After much urging on from the close friends, that is. The spin turned out to be a horror instead. As I was negotiating a roundabout, a friend had to hold on to the steering wheel because I was about to lose control of the car. It was most terrifying. And that finally shut my dear friends up in their seats and in coaxing me to drive again.

And then I had recurring dreams in which I had to drive due to emergencies. Some of these rides felt like roller coaster rides. *Shudder*

I couldn't get away with not driving for long however. It has become essential for me to be behind the wheels once again. Since I am not a natural in this one, the only thing I can do to better my skills is to practise, practise and more practise.

I must confess. I am a total nervous wreck with millions of butterflies in my stomach before each drive. I am so bothered by my apprehension that I asked if indeed my driving skills sucked big time therefore I was always paralysed by fear.

According to the man, it took him months before he totally shedded his fear of driving. His male colleague, who has been driving for 15 years now, is still queasy whenever he drives to Stuttgart.

Alright, it is consoling to know I am not the only one out there. But that means my fear is here to stay for quite a bit.

And now my fears,
They come to me in threes.
- The Strokes

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sister Blister

I did chicken rice today. With help from Prima Taste of course. I find the chilli sauce which is included in the pack lacks the oomph-factor. But what is chicken rice without its famed chilli sauce? As usual, my mum's chilli was there to save the day.

Halfway through devouring the flavourful meal, my tongue, the inside of my mouth and my lips were stinging from the full force of the fiery spiciness. My nose was running uncontrollably. The hot soup didn't make it any better. With each sip of the soup, the nerves from my mouth to ears were on the verge of exploding. My senses were tingled all over with blistering tanginess. Damn shiok!!!

It may sound like a painful and sadistic ordeal. But for chilli fanatics, that wild burning sensation in their palates is one of the greatest fulfillment in terms of food orgasm. It is like a drug which means no turning back once we are hooked on it.

I daresay only my mum's drug is able to attain such sense of gratification in me and leave me scrambling for more.

With something else to look forward to the next day.

A burning ass.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sticky Glue

I made plans with some colleagues to go for drinks after work one day. One couldn't make it as something came up unexpectantly. We agreed we would postpone our date to another day.

As I was coming through our doorway, the man was surprised to see me.

'Aren't you supposed to be out for drinks?', was his first greeting to me when he saw me.

I told him the reason and teased, 'Aren't you glad to see me??!!'

He laughed and retorted, 'Now I understand how you feel whenever I come back early from the boys' outing.'

I chuckled. I was not at all displeased with his response. In fact, I comprehend fully how important it is for him to have his own space. Just as how I hold dear my alone time to do my own things.

As a couple, it is matter-of-factly to spend most of our time and do many things together. But I do not believe by entering into matrimony, we should be categorised as one entity. We are basically two individuals who have made a decision to live our lives together. That doesn't automatically translate us as an entity in which we should irritate the hell of each other by being glued together 24/7.

Couples who lose themselves in their relationships and forget who they really are and ultimately lose a life of their own, baffle me. I do not understand them. And I don't think I ever will.

I love the fact that the trust and confidence the man and I have in each other allow us to have a life.

I love it that he and I are on the same page on this one.

Find a brand new way of seeing,
Your eyes forever glued to mine.
- Placebo

Friday, August 8, 2008

Auspicious Day

Minutes before I left the apartment early this morning, the sky turned grey and droplets of rain could be heard. Oh well, just another passing shower, I mumbled to myself. I was barely on my way out the door when the heavens decided to open up. And what a downpour it was! Before I knew it, my shoes were drenching wet, followed by my jeans, bag and all. I sighed resignedly. I would have to make do with stinky wet shoes at work today.

The rain didn't let up when I reached the bus-stop. The second I boarded the bus however, the slashing rain dwindled to a drizzle.

I rolled my eyes. How typical.

Later I made my way to catch my second bus. As I was coming down from the overhead bridge, I began to feel uneasy. My bus was not there! Normally the bus would be waiting at the bus-stop by now. But not today. It should be arriving any minute now, I tried to calm myself. But with each passing minute, my uneasiness grew more intense. Indeed the bus didn't turn up despite its schedule. I was fuming mad! How could a public transport not turn up just like that???!! What kind of weird transport system is this??!!

My next pressing question was how I should get to work. The next bus was out of question as it's not due in another 45 mins. And what if the next one didn't turn up too? I couldn't risk that. I needed to call the man immediately. That's when I realised with great dismay that I have not topped up my pre-paid card on my mobile. ARRRRGGGG... I needed a phone NOW!

As luck would have it, I was able to borrow one from a passer-by. I rang the man immediately. A mail-box reply! Where is he when I need him the most???!!

My in-laws were my next alternative. Fortunately Mr Senior had not left for work yet and I was able to catch a ride from him.

I was half an hour late for work. With soaking wet shoes and a foul mood.

The man had the cheeks to laugh when I told him my infuriating episode. He said, ' Isn't it supposed to be a lucky day for the Chinese?'

But of course! Today is the 08.08.08. An auspicious day. My ass!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Incarnation of a pig in human form

Simple joy:
Savouring nasi lemak wrapped in banana leaf for breakkie. And washing the yummy spicy nasi down with sips of piping hot kopi si. The warmth from the chilli and coffee heats up the tummy instantly while the stinging-cum-bittersweet aftertaste lingers beautifully on the palate. Bliss...

Before long, the tummy will be churning in protest due to the lethal combination of caffine and acid. A sign of mild heartburn.

Oh yes, I do know of the danger of suffering consequences. Yet I can't resist such simple joy in my life. I would move heaven and earth just for food. I know. I am not human.

I am a PIG.

The Bestfriend's mum to her (on her eating habits): 你是人吗?不是!你是猪!
(Are you human? NO! You are a PIG!)