I bought an old issue of Der Greif only because I know a particular local editor's work is in it. And I am not disappointed. Just her poem alone is worth every penny I paid. It blew me away by capturing love with its soulfulness and grace, another evidence of this writer's wisdom and creativity. I read and reread the poem again and again and was of course extremely inspired to be just like her. Well, we all have our heroes, don't we?
Greatly motivated, I, too, wrote a poem (what else) and submitted it to the same magazine. Naturally it wasn't accepted after a long wait of many months. That would be too good to be true. Yet, I wasn't all that disappointed. I have somehow learned that, yes, to see my writing in print is absolutely thrilling, but even if it doesn't get accepted, that does not and cannot take away the joy of bleeding my heart and soul and expressing them in the right words and ways which the mood then feels fit. Writing makes me feel alive. Getting published does not.
So here I am, very pleased to share with you this poem:
Two sides of a coin
White is the silent snow soaking up sounds, and the oriental concrete jungle bustling.
Black is the numbing hole smothering, and the crowning glory selling out not.
Green is the red hot passion dwindling, and the tree of family living on.
Blue is the mighty and poison pen inditing, and the gay cotton clouds floating
Red is the green-eyed monster clawing, and the fiery chilli padi battling.
Yellow is the invisible wall of discriminating, and the undertone of my skin glowing.
Orange is the fake tan and bleach blonde exploiting, and the warmth of Chinese New Year treats reminiscing.
Violet is the decadence and decay resurrecting, and the warpaint on my face tingling.
Grey is the grunge gone dead, and the blank canvas of my glad rags screaming.
Silver is the currency warring, and the armour of my tender soul defending.
Gold is the rags to riches hankering, and the innocence and laughter of my child inspiring.