Sunday, June 23, 2013

Temporal insomnia trivia

Do you know a cup of espresso contains a whopping 80 to 150mg of caffeine? Just about right in causing insomnia.

According to the Wikipedia, there is no strong evidence that a full moon can lead to insomnia. Despite that, many still believe the magnetic pull of the moon affects our moods and increases brain activity, very effective in ruining a good night's sleep.

Although a midday shut-eye can improve memory function and lower blood pressure, the quick fix might reduce our nighttime sleep drive.

So next time before you gulp down that aromatic black brew, look out of the window and double check if the moon is bright and full. I didn't. That's why I am writing and dump linking this post at 4 o'clock in the morning, with the birds already twittering outside.

Photo credit: here

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Yes, me time is a big deal

I realize I rarely write about the little one on this blog. Whether it is a conscious or unintentional effort, I cannot tell. Considering that I spend the better part of my days with her, the few meager hours I have to myself after she meets her sandman are therefore particularly precious in my eyes. That feeling is probably more apparent here because it seems that I rant about everything under the sun except the love (loves, in case the man reads this) of my life. Unwittingly, this space serves as a stress outlet where I can be utterly self-centered and self-seeking without a tinge of guilt or shame.

Likewise, it is just as important that I steal away every now and then for a much-needed breather, either with the girls or on my own to preserve my sanity. As much as I love my little treasure with all my heart, I am aware that honoring me and my interests is essential for my mental health. I become more balanced and more patient. Yes, this sounds like a selfish mother but I am not built to be a superwoman. I remember asking a girlfriend why not enroll her kids for the everyday program in the daycare instead of the present two-days per week program. Her reply 'what would I do without my kids?' struck me silent. Clearly, she is a selfless mom and I admire and respect her for that. Yet, I do not strive to be someone whom I am not.

The man's recent weekend trip with the boys prompted me to sound him out if I should do the same. I am not so worried about his reply which was some form of a chuckle. Whether it's a yes or no, I have yet to find out. The fact that I am more concerned if I could enjoy a girlie trip, without the thought that things will fall apart at home in my absence and if the little miss demanding can handle that, is validation that a longer me-time is out of question for the now.

Or perhaps I should just learn how to let go.



Sunday, June 2, 2013

Another evidence of Bill Watterson's wit

This was in my inbox when I was running against time to meet a deadline of an article. A dose of humour is always welcome when one is in a panic mode.

Photo credit: here