Screaming bloody murder at a stranger over the phone wasn't exactly my idea of getting the message across to the intended party. But since the said party has been playing hide and seek with me for months now, the pent-up rage just came gushing out once I handed out my ultimatum. All that shouting and yelling felt damn good. Except that I pity the person on the other end of the phone. I wish I took a couple of minutes to apologize to her that the rage wasn't directed at her and she shouldn't take it personally before slamming down the phone. On the other hand, I promptly comforted myself that at some points of our lives, whether we like it or not, we will somehow serve as an outlet for someone else's frustrations, rage, disappointment etc. Either we could empathize and reason that it is not about us and move on, or we could let it spoil our mood and ruin our day. That totally depends on our emotional intelligence.
Easier said than done of course, when I have allowed many incidences get at me and fly off the handle countless times. So much for emotional intelligence!
But my emotional intelligence seemed to be on a high just yesterday when I caught myself thinking, how bad would it be even if I couldn't get what I wanted? My life would not change a single bit because of that. So why should I get all worked up and drained because of a few idiots? I was smiling smugly to myself as these thoughts raced through my mind, proud that I've attained some enlightenment and determined not to let those idiots affect me.
Judging by my outburst today however, that revelation suddenly doesn't seem so revealing after all. Hahaha...