White as the falling snow outside,
rice flour strings bubbling up memories
across the oceans, suddenly I am home.
White as the falling snow outside,
rice flour strings bubbling up memories
across the oceans, suddenly I am home.
Tight like the gold band on Wukong's head, the singing
wind blows away his curse as he falls through the clouds.
In the mountains he knows Ox-head and Horse-face await.
The green leaves turned the colours of fall
Falling like snowflakes, waiting to be trampled on
The legacy scent lingers however on.
Amongst white clouds and rustle of leaves
the mountain cherry is so high up
she hears but no birdsongs there
Ein schreiendes Kind
Ein übermüdetes Kind
Ein Kind im Mama's Armen
Ein Kind, das mein Leben ändert
Das Kind meiner Liebe
Mein glückliches Kind
Are the deities in the mountains
having a feast of peaches
as I burn the midnight oil by the curtains?
Suddenly flew by is the chalk of my teacher's
when I am only having a gander
at her black twin tresses
Wulin is in uproar over the Dragon Saber
but lore of an inch of time is gold laces
my ear and flips out from the other
From their quarreling voices
I hide in invented worlds under the table
but not from goose egg and cane lashes
To battles, my green plastic soldiers march
as I yearn to grow up in every March.
No cocoon of caste can contain
his winged lover as she drinks learned nectar,
flies through rain and wind into his fragrant blossom.