Wednesday, May 4, 2011

An apple a day

Woohoo! I finally got hold of the new iPad 2 many days back after the long wait. And I must say I absolutely heart the gadget! It is sleek and sexy. It is incredibly light and fast. The graphics are superb. Watching movies is a pure joy. It feels great just holding it in my hands. And of course I can use it as and when I like without having to wait forever for the slow start up like my lousy lappie.

I am a very happy peep.

Which also means I have been spending most of my free time playing with the toy. Books are left forgotten. Blog is not updated. The sleep becomes even more deprived. (I am really not complaining!) Online shopping has never been easier (and faster). And the man for the time being plays second riddle to the widget. Hahaha... Not that he is complaining lah. It is a gift from him after all. I think we both regard this latest tablet as my necessary evil. An irresistible necessary evil. Heh.

Fret not however, the cherub still remains the precedence over all things.


  1. Happy about your new toy!!! :) So nice of hubby to buy it for you! Welcome back to the blogging world! I'm sure your thoughts will flow again!!!
