Yesterday while I was trying hard to concentrate reading my 2 month-old german newspapers, the postman came. He brought along a parcel from Singapore. Upon opening the parcel, I realised 2 dear girlfriends of mine have sent me mooncakes, Sin Sin garlic chilli sauce, 2 issues of 8 Days (Glenda Chong looks smashing on the cover), and for my birthday (not in another few months' time) a lip gloss and a blusher from Bobbi Brown. I was so overwhelmed with surprise and gratitude that I called one of them right away to express my thanks. No one answered. They must be getting drunk in some clubs. Afterwards I noticed on the right hand corner of the box a stamp that says $102.35!!! I flinched. Hey, that's just too much to pay for a bloody postage! The money could be used on better things like having a good dinner or out drinking and meet new guys or buy the latest cosmetics products which I know they are both hot for. On second thought, I told myself to quit being a nagging bag, accept my gifts graciously and shut the hell up. After all the gifts are meant for me to have a taste of home again.
Without further ado, I stuffed a small piece of mooncake into my mouth. Ahhhh... The lotus seed paste is moist and has a smooth and soft texture, yet it is not too oily nor overly sweet. The sweetness of the filling and the slight saltiness of the yolk complement each other so well that I devoured a whole piece within seconds. Oh... How I love mooncakes... The heck with cholesterol level! We only live once... I have to remind myself to savour these treasures slowly and not raven them in a matter of 1, 2 days.
While stuffing myself silly, I flipped through 8 Days. 8 Days is truly trash but I enjoy every page of it. Because I dig the chinese entertainment scene. Being here in Germany for almost 2 years has cut me off from those gossips of Tony Leung (is he still with Carina Lau?), Andy Lau, Cecilia Cheung, Jay Chou, David Tao etc. I don't even know what are the latest good movies/songs anymore. Yes, I can always google for the latest nuggets of news but call me old-fashioned, I prefer to read them in the magazines or tabloids. It's somehow more exciting and satisfying to hold that glossy publication in your hands and laze back on the couch and absorb each piece of news greedily like a sponge.
Besides, I miss reading in English. Initially, I would buy the imported UK Glamour for 5€. The few times I bought those issues, I also tried to push the 'it's bloody $10' thought to the back of my head. Finally the guilt caught up with me and I switch to the german version of Glamour which costs only 2€. Reading in german requires twice as much of my concentration and my time than usual. It can be such a chore at times. Still I have to admit those german lessons do pay off and I almost always get the gist of the articles.
Needless to say reading in English is like a breeze. Within minutes I discovered from 8 Days that Lin Chiling, rumoured beau of Jerry Yan, has the most beautiful pair of legs. 'They are reportedly 42 inches long and that's almost four 30cm rulers, okay!', wrote the writer. She takes care of them with bird's nest (apply bird's nest on her legs or eat the bird's nest, that she didn't clarify), using Osim uSqueez and working out on the step machine. That act-cute Fiona Xie will be starring opposite Shawn Yue in a HK movie. Obviously the media is still not letting up on the 'jaw-dropping bad' come-back performance of Britney Spears at the MTV Music Awards. Brad Pitt reportedly claimed that his marriage to Jennifer Aniston was over before he pursued Angelina Jolie (Liar!). Some jokes about Jolin Tsai's G-Force (Are they real?). More new HK dramas, more new HK/Chinese/Asian movies and more new singers/actors whom I have never heard of....
My pressies have definitely spiced up my weekend quite a bit. Thanks to you, gals!
Hey, I totally agree with you! Even during my 1 yr stint in Germany, I missed 8 days so much though now I hardly have the time to read it when I am back in SG! Whenever my SG frens dropby, I will ask them to arm themselves with a copy of 8 days! just to get the kick of being in touch though they might just be trashy news!
Hahaha... And I thought no one read 8 Days anymore! Great to know I have company. :)
Ok, I will keep 8 days for u if I buy any in Sg from now onwards!:-) Remember to meet up when you are back in SG!
Thank you in advance!!! And of course we will meet up when i am next in SG!
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