What with mooncakes, chicken curry (with tons of coconut milk), fatty roast pork (a success considering my first attempt!), cheesy pasta, fried rice and fried noodles being incorporated in our diet in the last few days, plus binging out silly at Mr R's cousin's hubby's 40th birthday bash last night, I can almost feel my heart beating slower with its burden of fats coursing down my veins. To make matters worse, I have been sitting on my arse in the past days, watching american series and movies online. I literally swear off watching them on german tv because somehow it is never the same when they are not in their original language. Hence I was (still am) watching them like no tomorrow, making up for lost time and before the website is taken off from the net.
Anyways, I decided, enough is enough. It's time to do something about our diet. We better try to eat healthier though we would not go the extreme way of detoxing by eating only fruits and veggies for days straight because I will for sure faint on myself after just 1 day. First day of my diet plan which is today, mushrooms salad with bread rolls for lunch and dinner. Right after my lunch, a small voice was nagging in my head, I am not full, I am not full! I tried very hard to dismiss it by occupying myself with, yes you guessed it, watching more american series. It helped for a while. An hour later, I asked Mr R if he was hungry. He replied no with a laugh. I bore up my hunger pangs for another few hours.
At last, dinnertime! Hastily, I washed my salad. I wasn't looking forward to just having the salad, honestly, but I was starving so anything goes. Perhaps it was heaven's will, the salad had gone all wilted. We bought it the day before, you see. Mr R suggested to throw it away as it was no longer good to eat. Just what I wanted to hear! Naturally he asked what's for dinner then. He didn't mind driving out to get takeaways. Just then MacDonald's ad came on. I lost all my will power and asked for burger.
While I was ravishing my burger as if I have not eaten for days, Mr R was teasing me about 'my healthy diet' attempt. I had to laugh at myself too. Shame on me! I didn't even last a day! As proven to me on several occasions, I can never survive on just greens or fruits. I know of some people who can! They are amazing. The truth is I am a carnivorous at heart and I should not deny my nature. I am satisfied and happy after my burger as compared to the grumpy me few hours ago. I live to eat. I am definitely no health queen freak. But of course, too much of anything is always bad. The key word here is restraint.
Backup plan: skip in the following days. My skipping rope is collecting dust in some corner, as we speak. I better wake up my bloody idea tomorrow and move that arse off the couch.
Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.
- Mark Twain
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