The common new year resolutions include: eat healthier, work out more, lose those pounds gained over the years, quit smoking/drinking/gambling and the list goes on. Really, why even bother? The so-called resolutions would all be forgotten in a few weeks and no one would even recall they were once determined in fulfilling those commitments as they slip back into their old mundane routine after those parties. Such a waste of time and brain juice.
Why not resolute in indulgence of our every whim and desire instead? Wouldn't that have made everyone happier rather than working out on that step machine or starving ourselves? Why suffer? According to the teachings of Buddhism, we come to this earth to suffer. And human beings do have a penchant for suffering, I notice. However since we are all going to suffer again in hell (Don't be delusional, no one is going anywhere near heaven. We are all sinners, remember?), why be so hard on ourselves in this present lifetime? Let's resolute to join the dark side of the seven deadly sins and I shall see you in hell with 'Gluttony' stamped on my forehead.
Now there are more overweight people in America than average-weight people. So overweight people are now average. Which means you've met your New Year's resolution. - Jay Leno
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