Wednesday, August 27, 2008

No Sick Food

I hate falling ill in Germany. Because like any typical Singaporeans, I need my sick food when I am unwell. The usuals like Kway Teow Soup, Porridge, Mee Tai Mak Soup, Macaroni Soup etc. Which are easy and soothing on your pharynx especially when you are suffering from a bad dry throat. These comfort food is easily available in our friendly neighbourhood coffee shops in Singapore. But most definitely not here in this ang moh land.

When one is poorly, with aching joints and low energy level, one has absolutely no desire to lift a finger to even brush one's teeth, let alone cook one's own sick food.

Apparently the Germans do not have any sorts of food which can be categorised as sick food. At least in terms of my classification. You will find rows and rows of Knorr and Maggie soup powder in the supermarket should you crave for soups. More often than not, they unsettle my stomach further in my unwell state.

My MIL does her own chicken noodle soup. The ang moh version, of course. But I find it a tad too oily and unnatural even on my dull palate. She adds spoonfuls of soup powder in it.

I make do with my plain porridge with whatever I can find in the fridge. Not that I can find much seeing that I hardly cook these days.

Fortunately, a pack of pork floss is lying somewhere in the cupboard. That will do for now.


Anonymous said...

Hey Hoon, feeling better? Get well soon yah!


hoonie said...

Hey! I am fine now. Thanks dear! :)*Hugs*

Anonymous said...

the ang mohs have sick drink though.. my ang moh friend once thought i was sick when i said i had tea, when asked what i did that day..

hoonie said...

oh yes, I get that too. My german friend asked if I was sick when I ordered tea one day. She then looked at me funny when I told her no. To which I shrugged and said, 'I am Chinese, you know. We drink tea.' :)

Pris said...

Hey glad to hear that you feel better... I know what you mean.... need to fend for yourself even when you are sick hor....pity you stay so far away, I could make you chicken soup...or herbal soup - but its heaty not very good hahah...

hoonie said...

Thank you for the thought, Pris! But then again, you and your heaty herbal soup? No thanks! Wahahahaha...