Monday, May 18, 2009

On growing older

When I am asked about my age these days, I no longer have the luxury to reply, ' I am 18!' in a heartbeat and bask in the envy written all over the face of the enquirer. Those days are long gone. However instead of letting the reality bite, my self-denial developed a loss of memory whenever such sensitive issue is brought up. It would usually take 30 seconds or more while I deliberately take my time adding up the years of my life before a response is given. This strategy has been working well so far until my conversation with The Bestie recently:

Bestie: I am turning 38 this year!
Hoonie: Ya, I know lah...
Bestie: And you?! You are turning 37!
Hoonie: *face cramp*

The Bestie's revealing literally blew up in my face just like that. Till then, I have never really registered the real number of my age. I usually brushed it off as 30 something.

My immediate inward reaction to her 'You are turning 37' was, 'Fuck, I am old.'

And truth be told, slivers of fear creeped up my spine just then. I panicked for a moment. But luckily the fear and panic subsided as soon as they appeared. Though I cannot explain the logic of it all.... Was it vanity at work there? Or the fear of growing old? Without a doubt.

As much as I would like to embrace my big Four O like I did my 30, it feels somehow different. Now I fully comprehend why women book themselves into beauty clinics. I seriously do not blame them. I would probably follow suit if I had that kind of dough. I am certainly not the grow-old-gracefully aka Robert Redford / Zhu An sort. Though I wouldn't resort to drastic measures lah.

I may not have great success stories to tell about the 37 years of my life. But I have gone through a few things which I believe have made me stronger and wiser. The privilege of being in the late 30s is I do not see the need to please everyone. If I do not like your guts, I can walk away anytime. I do not care if you like my face or what you think of me. What matters is the friends love me. Making new friends are harder now because I have become more selective. Not everyone can be my friends, you know.

At work, unless I made a mistake, please do not come telling me what to do because I know exactly what I am doing and am probably doing it way better than most. Therefore, I do not take shite unnecessarily and make sure everyone knows that.

There. An unhealthy overdose of self-confidence, ego and take-no-shite attitude. Qualities to embrace when you reach your late 30s.

Welcome to the jungle.


Pris said...

Hey gal, you really have a way with words. Enjoy your writing. You´re not old lah. We´re ALL growing older every year. Most impt thing is to make use of the time we have on Earth well! :)

hoonie said...

Thanks Pris! I am a faithful follower of your blog too!

And thanks for consoling me. Very sweet of you. :p

Anonymous said...

I just turned 33. Not rubbing any salt at all I swear. I used to look forward to my birthday, but now, I so have the urge that time can slow down a little. I am infact so afraid of growing old. SOBS

hoonie said...

NW? One consolation is I will reach 40 faster than you lah. Hahahaha...

Yes, you are right! Time flies past us so quickly after we reach our 30s. Damn!

Let's hug and cry together. LOL

Anonymous said...

who else but only me in SG reads ur blog. LOL

Are u coming back anytime soon? The scary part is also the grumpier ones will hit menopause before me...*shiver*