Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Gods

*Someone said, 'Don’t get drunk on the liquor of your narcissistic poetry.' And I am guilty as charged.

His body roars medicated side-effects, reeking of untouched cod

Her nose twitches at the white line of powder, they are the gods

The figures on the bills and debts burn red against fluorescent bulb

To the airport to find the soonest flight away, she is the gods

She washes two faces and four dirty hands, her gift in double

Unslept, her eyes are crescent of laughter, she is the gods

The old man curls on the bench of abandon, the memories his rooftop

She is cardboards and half-starved mouths, they are the gods

The fall accelerates, he surrenders to his grave in the mountaintop

The waiting girlfriend believes he doesn't leave, they are the gods.

I am Kartoffelsalat, Rendang and Rice, washed down with Oolong

Imperfect and faulted, but give me my glory. Hoon, are you one of the gods?


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