My favourite drink when I go clubbing. Usually after a few rounds of it, I would go all merry and start smiling away stupidly. Not that I need a lot of it to achieve that. My clubbing mate once quipped that I would make a cheap date because I am not a heavy drinker and I don't smoke. It takes very little to keep me happy. A good supper after my martinis would keep me especially happy till no end. Supper done and back at home, I would laze on bed and turn on MTV or channel 55 for my daily dose of hk drama before I dozed off to dreamland. Lunch next day at 3 or 4pm. After which, I 'nua' on bed, tuned to Zhen Qing, yet another never-ending hk drama. Napped. By the time I woke up, my head would be throbbing with too much sleep. Ate dinner. Sms-ed friends for coffee. My typical weekend before I joined the rat race again on Monday.
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