All this while, we didn't have a radio tuner except for a cd player. On days when I'm sick of MTV or CNN, I'll be my own dj, playing favourite tunes on the player. I tried listening to singapore radio stations online. However, it proves to be frustrating as connection is so bad that the music breaks up every now and then. Well, why not try the local radio stations then, I said to myself. To my surprise, the local radio stations are not available online. Or perhaps my german is that bad that I couldn't find the link. Not giving up, I thought, 'Ah ha! I still have the itunes radio!' After going through hundreds of stations and sampling a few, I have yet to find a listenable one.
I do miss dj blabbing away in the background. It just livens up things. In my previous workplaces, it was norm to have music blasting away even when there were meetings going on. In one, almost all of us had our own hi-fi. The office could sound like a pasar malam at times. Other than that, we respected each other's 'music space'. When a good song came on, it perked me up and after humming to it, I felt lighter and worked on harder. I simply loved the vibes. I hardly dreaded going to work. Okay, except when I had to drag myself out of bed in the mornings.
I used to work in the office of a pharmacy years ago. Radio was allowed but the volume was set at the minimal where one could hardly make out anything. A few of us plotted to pump up the volume a little one day. But of course we were found out. Our punishment was no more radio from then on. How rigid!
While I was shuttling between here and singapore not too ago, I did a stint in the bank. It was a mistake. No radio, that goes without saying. All you hear all day were sounds of keyboard typing away and shuffling of papers. Everything was by the book. I avoided going lunch with the colleagues. I rather ate alone. I didn't fit in. I hated it. Like a friend put it, I was soulless.
Some might say it is only music. I say music is joy and it makes a world of difference in life. Imagine a world without music. It would be dull and colourless.
Today we finally received our new tuner. The dj is blabbing away while I am typing away. I can foresee this new toy will be fully utilised by me. Someone is going to regret getting it at all.
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