Thursday, January 17, 2008

My Rant

I did Roti John and Sweet Potato Soup today. No pictures to show for them because I do not have the habit of taking pictures of my food, despite friends' constant requests of them on my blog. Indeed a picture speaks a thousand words. But perhaps I am a stick in the mud. Right now I am contended with just waxing my lyrical in words over here.

Anyway, back to food. What's a Singaporean without his/her food? Yes I did Roti John and Sweet Potato Soup. Not that they are such a challenge to make. The receipes are really simple. If I can churn this out, anyone can. I am in need of a change. I am simply sick of all the usual stuffs I whip up day in day out. It doesn't help that my german classes are now in the evenings, starting from 6pm. Which means dinner has to be ready for Mr R before I rush to the lessons. Nothing beats the easy fried noodles/rice which he can warm up himself when he reaches home. Either my creativity is going through a dry spell or it is that limited because there is only so much usual/spicy fried noodles/rice, mee/nasi goreng, dry mee siam, hokkien mee (I cheat lah, I use Prima Taste) etc. one can put up with before one goes retching upon hearing the words 'Fried Rice/Noodles'. Not that he demands his dinner has to be on the table when he gets home. Don't he ever dare! Being a bummer aside, I am afterall in the role of a housewife now. I have to bloody do my job in keeping the household in order and make sure that warm (an absolute must for me!) and edible food is on the table, don't I?

Perhaps I am just bored. Hence I look for an outlet to vent my boredom. And cooking is in fact quite effective in that aspect. Not to mention the self-satisfaction when a dish turns out well. Err, okay, my only critic is Mr R himself. And taste is often very subjective. And especially an ang moh one. Oh well..

I was asked many a times why I wish to work. Besides killing time, improving my spoken german and earning some moolah for myself, I want to feel needed in this Society again. It sucks to wake up every morning in your bed without having a purpose to look forward to. There is a sense of redundancy all the time. Even though I am in a family unit where Society considers me playing a major and important role in it, either by procreating or forming an economically productive household, I do not feel that important. Not in the very least. Why? Just because I am not making important/major deals or decisions at work like before? No, I don't think so. Having a job means I will be back in the social network again. Which also means I have a life of my own, rather than one that revolves just around Mr R. The institution of marriage does not restrain personal growth now, does it?

What's more, no man is an island. No matter how much I deemed myself to be quite an anti-social, at times I do require certain amount of social interaction (other than Mr R's), be it friends, classmates or even neighbours to keep myself sane. At my convenience, of course.

Then there are those advices which I received. One good one is I should have a baby to keep me busy and also because, they stressed again and again, I am not getting any younger. Digressing a bit, I seem to be receiving endless advices these days even when I DID NOT ask for them. Some people are just so fond of giving their 2 cents that they forget people just want to talk about their problems without needing a solution sometimes? Whatever happens to 'learn to listen'?

Okay, back to planting seeds. I have no objections to having a baby though I do not know when. And I am not gonna rush myself in getting huge and heavy, with puffy legs and no bikinis for 9 months just because I want to keep myself busy. Such wrong reason to bring a child to this world! Thanks but no thanks.

For now, I will just rot in my boredom. Short term solution: go shopping on Saturday to burn a big hole in Mr R's pocket. Retail therapy always works.


Pris said...

Hey G! =) I totally understand u mean abt the giving advice part. AH..I get that too! For me, I get the "why don't u apply in this and this job" etc. I'm trying loh, just cannot now that my stupid laptop is still in the repair store. I understand what u mean abt having a job. I struggle with it too. On one hand, I wanna "just do something" on the other, I don't wanna just do smth for the sake of doing smth, I wanna do smth that I enjoy and look forward to waking up everyday! At least the twice a week eng class is quite fun. The guy is really nice to teach. At least that start....will see how Vapiano wks out, pity that we can't work together! Boo hoo.....

Pris said...

Oh what's yr Roti John recipe?!? I wanna see if it is THAT easy to make....I have proper Roti prata at home, does that help?

hoonie said...

Err... Roti here means bread. Emailed you the recipe liao.

It's such a shame I do not live nearby you or else it would be fun working together and bitching in our secret language: Mandarin. Your favourite language. Hehehe..

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

How about i get stuff from china and u sell it there? U can try online for a start..that way u dont need to go thru German interviews that may cause mental block at times.

Hows the deal with Diana?

hoonie said...

I managed to get just 3 orders (including mine) for the bags. I am too pai sei to even tell her that. And it's not even asking for donation. I was certainly too optimistic in the beginning.