Tuesday, January 6, 2009

In coma

The long holiday season was great for doing catching up. Not exactly in the sense of catching up with friends but more like making time for myself to slumber away.

For many days in a row, I finally had the chance to sleep to my heart's content again. What with the cold winter weather, it's just wonderful to snuggle under the covers and snooze. An average of 12 hours spent in slumberland was not uncommon. When I eventually woke, it's just pure bliss.

Forget about the throbbings and the cobwebs in my head thereafter. As long as I got my hundreds winks, it's all good.

All good things must come to an end however. Tomorrow I'll have to join the rat race again.

With the long slumbering in the past days and with a temperature dropping to a frigid -12 degrees in the nights, I am looking forward to waken my sluggish self at 5:30 tomorrow morning.

Oh, I am sooo depressed...


Pris said...

hey girl! :) Finally get to read yr blog after such a long time! I can totally relate to sleeping in! I slept in like crazy over the weekend! About 12 hrs on average...it was just so good not to have to get out of bed...today was the first day I had to wake up after only abt 6hrs of sleep, that´s why I was so zombified...but it was great mtg up with you all! Oh yr boss thing...wah, that´s office politics man! Geez! I guess we all got to learn how to adapt to our company culture eh?

hoonie said...

Oh yes, I totally miss sleeping in. And not too long ago I was whining about wanting to find a job. Now this is what I called 'fan jian'. :D