Sunday, February 3, 2008


Try standing in the cold for nearly 3 hours. Even with four layers of clothes, leggings, wool pants, wool socks and boots. 1 hour later, I couldn't feel my feet anymore, let alone immerse myself in the carnival spirit around me. Yes, it is that time of the year again for the german carnival. Though they couldn't have picked a better time. February, right smack in the middle of winter!

When it was all over and we had to walk back to our cars, my feet were all numb and weak. It's as if my body could not command and coordinate my feet anymore. I was walking with a block of numbness underneath me. Without a doubt, it was uncomfortable. I cursed silently why I bothered coming. Forget that I came up with the brilliant idea of going to the official carnival and supposedly the best one in Cologne next year. Well, unless I get to dress up as a bear. Fur keeps you warm. Paws not included. And no pictures please.

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