Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fashion victim

What do you think?! I love how the different hues make my feet look so happy! And the best and fun part of it? Making a fuss over which toe gets which colour. Once the colours were sorted, my very own home manicure began. I am admittedly lazy when it comes to polishing my nails. This time was however a little different. It strangely became a source of enjoyment and I attacked my nails with such gusto that I was done within minutes! Pleased as punch with the results, these rainbow nails are certainly here to stay.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Of non-meat, treated meat and chest meat

It's everywhere. Anywhere I turn, I see, read or hear people trying consciously to eat more healthily and be more aware of their food source. Many are either abstaining from meat, are vegans or raw foodies. My admiration for them is undeniable. The commitment and the determination to be green despite having to constantly deal with weird looks from waiters and strangers and having to explain time and time again the reason behind it, all requires immense strength. It is especially difficult when family members, friends or partners do not understand why the sudden drastic change of diet. Hence, hats off to these brave souls!

Having said that, I am probably one of those sad unconverted, an almost-extinct species which is adamant in chomping down high fat, high protein, highly processed food and succumbing wilfully to food cravings while shoving the thought of diet-related diseases to the dark dusty alley of my mind. I am such a fast food junkie that I need my shot of burgers, fries, nuggets on a regular basis to obtain that sugar high, no matter if it is a placebo effect or not. Yes yes, it is all quite contradicting to my recent obsession of getting rid of cottage cheese skin. But I obstinately cling to the outdated motto: live to eat.

Speaking of imperfect body, I finally watched Atonement the other day. A vision of green, Keira Knightly was absolutely stunning in her flowing emerald charmeuse. What affected me most was seeing a celebrity unafraid and unabashed to flaunt her flat chested state to the public. It's a rather refreshing sight as opposed to the now-accepted norm of huge breasts and cleavages. I must say I, as a fellow flat chested sista, feel somewhat comforted and reassured by her courage. Being flat chested has never been as celebrated as the well-endowed, causing some females to feel inadequate and less feminine. Even a definition for such a seemingly innocent term whiffs of prejudice, 'A chest in which the anteroposterior diameter is less than the average.' We just can't please everyone now, can we?

Photo credit: here

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Feeling the summery mood despite the scorching heat

Summery weather calls for sunny colours. Not too long ago, I chanced upon a cheerful medley of nail colours in a fashion magazine (not unsimilar to the one below) and I've been musing ever since if I would be bold enough to pamper my pallid nails with these pretty hues. The purposeful musing seems eager to end its job when I caught myself searching for pops of colours in the little beauty compartment in the bathroom and found none! I am really an earth tone person. That immediately ensued a mental note to self to get some new shades in the stores. Alas! It appears I will soon fall victim to yet another fashion fad. Not ungrudgingly though, if I may add.

Photo credit: here


Friday, August 17, 2012

Highlights of the day

Headlining the technical front: iOS5

Finally dug out the dusty dinosaur that is our rusty laptop, started up the squeaky machine and crossed our wrinkled fingers the upgrade would work. It did and we could finally start breathing again. I need time though to get acquainted with some of the new features. But for now, I am quite excited about the iMessage.

Headlining the writing front: A stab in the heart

With the upgrade, several drafts saved in a blogging app meant for submission all vanished into thin air. Hours of mental labour and best efforts to squeeze out from my heart colorful lyrical words which faintly smell of publishable worthiness. All wiped out in the name of convenience, comfort, fast and faster.

Oh, my bleeding heart! Thou shalt not ache because thou wilt write anew!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pep talk to myself

The head was groggy from the nap and I was busy wiping the sleep from my eyes when the electrifying rejection jumped at me, stupefying me into a brief wide-awakeness which immediately dissipated once I've registered the blow. I slumped. For a while, I couldn't seem to shake the cobwebs off my head.

His exact words were, 'The premise here doesn't reel me in enough.' As much as it's his kindest rejection so far, it still feels like a punch in the face and deflates the ever shrinking ego. Not that it's unexpected. In fact, I'm rather spot on that I would receive a reply today and it's most probably going to be a no. The silver lining is he has at least read the whole piece from start to end and thankfully it no longer belongs to the this-is-not-a-good-fit category. I like to think it's a positive far cry from my very first crap piece which I suspect the editor didn't even bother to finish reading after the first sentences and of course it wasn't a good fit, as he called it.

Ok, I am groping wildly for a lifeline, however fragile it may be, to keep the pride afloat in this rough and challenging waters. Lately, I cant help but imagine the editors wondering perplexingly to themselves, 'Who the hell is this unknown who incessantly spams my inbox with her less-than average submissions?' They, friends included, may think I have, for want of a better word, overestimated my own abilities (不θ‡ͺι‡εŠ›). And they could be right. Like you, I am just a mere mortal who suffers from emotional insecurities every now and then and who cares immensely about how other people perceive me.

While these emotions are very real and I will not try to repress them and pretend they do not exist, it is also vital that I do not hand them any chance to shackle my feet and to prevent my recovery from the smallest defeat and from moving forward with my dreams.

No, I will not give up.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The banality of a couch potato

The summer sun is relentlessly bright. It illuminates things meant to be hidden in the dark dusty closet, things meant not to see the living daylight. Things such as yellow-hued jellying flabbiness that is cellulite-infested thighs and sagging belly skin.

Donning a pair of shorts or bikinis requires a well of courage these days. My braveness surprises me despite being dreadfully conscious of my involuntary scantily clad state. Dispirited aside, I just have to get off my wobbly butt and go on the offensive. I am my own knight in my shining orange peel armour.

The punishment for an overdue workout? Sore achy muscles. The reward, a cup of hot coffee and a piece of leftover muffin to starve away the post workout hunger, while watching a rerun of The Big Bang Theory.

It's a quiet yet fulfilling afternoon without the little one for a couple of hours.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Signs and symptoms of Compulsive Addiction - Online Shopping

1. Neglecting your responsibilities
The poor child has been eating the same tasteless porridge, insipid stir fried meat and veg for lunch everyday and retches at the mere mention of the word porridge.

2. You've built up a tolerance
More dosage is progressively needed to experience the same high.

3. Withdrawal symptoms
Restlessness, spacing out, shaking, depression...

4. Life revolves around the addiction
A lot of time is spent using and thinking about it and figuring out how to obtain it.

5. Incessant need for money or unexplained financial problems
Every addiction is expensive.

6. Unexplained change in personality and attitude
Lying without batting an eyelid about the real reason being online and over justifying the act when the cover is blown.

5. Secretive and suspicious behaviours
Hiding spoils and bills from the man of the house.

6. Appears fearful, anxious and paranoid
That spoils and bills will be discovered.

7. Improvement of physical appearance
Is self-explaining.