Thursday, August 2, 2012

Signs and symptoms of Compulsive Addiction - Online Shopping

1. Neglecting your responsibilities
The poor child has been eating the same tasteless porridge, insipid stir fried meat and veg for lunch everyday and retches at the mere mention of the word porridge.

2. You've built up a tolerance
More dosage is progressively needed to experience the same high.

3. Withdrawal symptoms
Restlessness, spacing out, shaking, depression...

4. Life revolves around the addiction
A lot of time is spent using and thinking about it and figuring out how to obtain it.

5. Incessant need for money or unexplained financial problems
Every addiction is expensive.

6. Unexplained change in personality and attitude
Lying without batting an eyelid about the real reason being online and over justifying the act when the cover is blown.

5. Secretive and suspicious behaviours
Hiding spoils and bills from the man of the house.

6. Appears fearful, anxious and paranoid
That spoils and bills will be discovered.

7. Improvement of physical appearance
Is self-explaining.

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