Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The banality of a couch potato

The summer sun is relentlessly bright. It illuminates things meant to be hidden in the dark dusty closet, things meant not to see the living daylight. Things such as yellow-hued jellying flabbiness that is cellulite-infested thighs and sagging belly skin.

Donning a pair of shorts or bikinis requires a well of courage these days. My braveness surprises me despite being dreadfully conscious of my involuntary scantily clad state. Dispirited aside, I just have to get off my wobbly butt and go on the offensive. I am my own knight in my shining orange peel armour.

The punishment for an overdue workout? Sore achy muscles. The reward, a cup of hot coffee and a piece of leftover muffin to starve away the post workout hunger, while watching a rerun of The Big Bang Theory.

It's a quiet yet fulfilling afternoon without the little one for a couple of hours.

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