Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Trials and Tribulations

The Dear facebooked me and shamelessly remarked that I wrote only 2 posts in one month. That I should, in her words, cho kang, cho kang!

I retorted immediately that this is quality-writing and that I don't do mass-market.
*trying to be very niche here*

On second thought, I must confess it was just an excuse which I plucked out of the air conveniently. I guess I've been slacking lately indeed...

I am pleased as punch with her note however. It's a boost to my confidence that there are people out there who are reading my blog.

Other than the NW from Singapore. Lol.

My absence over here is probably because I feel I am stuck in the rut of late. Especially in the work department. With one year on, the work challenges which I used to face and enjoy are no longer in existence. The job fulfilment seems to be dwindling day by day. That feeling sucks.

On the social front, it hasn't been terribly exciting either. By that, I do not mean paryting or get drunk at some watering holes. Okay, not that I get drunk easily. I don't get drunk because I hardly drink!

But I suppose I just miss having the friends around me. With them, conversations flow easily without a need to think what you have to say next. We can chatter about everything and nothing, giggle over silly nothings and not being embarrassed about it. If we run out of topics to talk about, we will still be at ease in each other's company. Only years of friendship can achieve such intimacy and familiarity.

With the work taking up most of my time now and feeling exhausted at the end of each workday, it can be such a chore to go tend and nuture a new friendship. Therefore, my social life during the week is pretty much zilch.

What's more the man himself is facing some uncertainties at work. The company he works for will announce their cutbacks very soon. With bated breath, we await judgement day.

The term sleeping like a log is alien to me. Sleep is a series of unfortunate ruffled dreams composed of fleeting and forgettable images. I feel anxiety and agitation in my bones. My skin is dull and lacks lustre. I look terrible.

In my attempts to sooth my nerves, I resort to my favourite pasttime: drama watching. Japanese drama to be exact, with none other than Takuya Kimura. But instead of calming me down with the eye candy, I got even more emotional. Depending on the composition and situation in each episode, I could be laughing, feeling angry, agitated or sobbing (like in the final episode where he took his own life).

The man was of course shocked by my great display of emotions but he chose to say nothing and smiled indulgently at me instead.

But I know exactly what's lacking in me right now. My only antidote is that age-old yet very effective remedy:

A Vacation!

So much for the above excuses.

All because of The Dear.


Pris said...

Hey I read your blog too! OH man, I can´t imagine the anxiety that you both must be facing now.Will pray for your hubby....

hoonie said...

Thanks Pris!