Sunday, August 17, 2008

Gear up!

I obtained my driving license on a second try. A tiff with the dear ex shortly after resulted in me, in a fit of spite, to forsake driving. That was at least 10 years ago.

Since then, I've only made one very reluctant and feeble attempt at driving. After much urging on from the close friends, that is. The spin turned out to be a horror instead. As I was negotiating a roundabout, a friend had to hold on to the steering wheel because I was about to lose control of the car. It was most terrifying. And that finally shut my dear friends up in their seats and in coaxing me to drive again.

And then I had recurring dreams in which I had to drive due to emergencies. Some of these rides felt like roller coaster rides. *Shudder*

I couldn't get away with not driving for long however. It has become essential for me to be behind the wheels once again. Since I am not a natural in this one, the only thing I can do to better my skills is to practise, practise and more practise.

I must confess. I am a total nervous wreck with millions of butterflies in my stomach before each drive. I am so bothered by my apprehension that I asked if indeed my driving skills sucked big time therefore I was always paralysed by fear.

According to the man, it took him months before he totally shedded his fear of driving. His male colleague, who has been driving for 15 years now, is still queasy whenever he drives to Stuttgart.

Alright, it is consoling to know I am not the only one out there. But that means my fear is here to stay for quite a bit.

And now my fears,
They come to me in threes.
- The Strokes


Unknown said...

galfren, way to go!!!! i too was terrified when i had to drive for the first time at nite!! i took acouple of lessons, felt gung-ho enuff, so i thought, wat the heck, should take a couple of nite lessons. I was a total wreck!!!! and the confidence just went down south there after, as it was dark, rainy and my first time using the 4th gear driving to tampines. i wanted to cry! he kept asking me... 快点 快点, yeah, total wreck. took me a couple of lessons to recover from dat trauma episode.

oh and i hate instructors who touch my steering wheel! it's mine. if it was meant for them, then they will give them an extra steering wheel instead of an extra brake on their side! 'nuff said, sister. dun play with my steering wheel! :)

hoonie said...

Welcome to the club, galfren!

talk about driving in the rain, we were stuck in the jam on the highway while it's pouring heavily. it goes without saying the car stalled a few times. i was full of panic man. The instructor wondered out loud, 'It's only rain, why panic?' Well, he had a point there.

Officially drove to work today. It was full of adventures. Car stalled. AGAIN. Car rolled backwards while stuck in the jam on a slope. Such fun, huh?