Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Incarnation of a pig in human form

Simple joy:
Savouring nasi lemak wrapped in banana leaf for breakkie. And washing the yummy spicy nasi down with sips of piping hot kopi si. The warmth from the chilli and coffee heats up the tummy instantly while the stinging-cum-bittersweet aftertaste lingers beautifully on the palate. Bliss...

Before long, the tummy will be churning in protest due to the lethal combination of caffine and acid. A sign of mild heartburn.

Oh yes, I do know of the danger of suffering consequences. Yet I can't resist such simple joy in my life. I would move heaven and earth just for food. I know. I am not human.

I am a PIG.

The Bestfriend's mum to her (on her eating habits): 你是人吗?不是!你是猪!
(Are you human? NO! You are a PIG!)

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