Saturday, September 22, 2007

Ode to a dog

I am a bumaholic
Who loves jerkys and milksticks.
I get my kicks
Watching silly human movie flicks.
Yoda said, hey you chocoholic
After chocolate those paws you should lick!
I didn't understand him and next day in public
I got the damn ticks.
My owners got sick
Of the task of tick-pick.
They found their solution through Nick
And used on me shampoo removing ticks.
At last I am span and spick
Off I go and hang out with my dawg, Mick
Who is cool as sleek.
Together we drool at chicks
And pig out on bullysticks.
I doze off to a land of picnics
And wake up to go for a leak.
Ahhh... Life is a wonderful flick!
- missy hoonie

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